using xtal pins as clock output

I am building a 68K computer, and am using the ATMEGA324 as sort of a northbridge chip and clock source.I want to know if it is possible to use one of the XTAL/OSC pins on my microcontroller as a clock source to other devices, and which pin to use. Or would doing this screw up the timings to my micro?

Yes you can. Read the datasheet as to which of Xtal1 or Xtal2 to use.
Can also burn a fuse to output the system clock on another pin.

XTAL2 is the clock output, however, you will probably load the clock.
You might be able connect XTAL2 to a CMOS gate then use its output.


Program the CKOUT fuse. Processor's clock is output on CLKO / PB1.

I can't do that because I need all the I/O pins available. I'll just use XTAL2 as the clock source, but attach it to a buffer.