value results doubling

I found this code online and was able to modify it so it will work with my cheap dial indicator. The problem now is the results I am getting are double what they should be. When the dial indicator shows 2mm the serial monitor shows 4mm. I know there is a fix but I can't remember where to make the change. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

#include <Arduino.h>

#define CaliperClocKPin 2
#define CaliperDataPin 3

volatile	uint8_t		gBitsInPacket;
volatile	uint32_t	gPacketStart;
volatile	uint32_t	gValue;
volatile	uint32_t	gPacketValue;
static 		uint32_t	sPreviousValue;

/*********************************** setup ************************************/
void setup(void)
	pinMode(CaliperClocKPin, INPUT);	// Clock pin = 2
	pinMode(CaliperDataPin, INPUT);		// Data pin = 3
 	gPacketStart = micros();
 	sPreviousValue = gPacketValue = 0xBADBADBAD;
 	gValue = 0;
 	gBitsInPacket = 0;
	attachInterrupt(0, ReadPacketBit, FALLING);

/******************************** ReadPacketBit *******************************/
void ReadPacketBit(void)
	uint8_t		data = !digitalRead(CaliperDataPin);
	uint32_t	now = micros();
	uint32_t	duration = now - gPacketStart;
	*	If more than 50ms has passed THEN
	*	we're at the start of a new packet.
	if (duration > 50000)
		gPacketStart = now;
		if (gBitsInPacket == 24)
			gPacketValue = gValue;
		gValue = 0;
		gBitsInPacket = 0;
	gValue >>= 1;
	if (!data)
		gValue |= 0x00800000;

char* UInt32ToBinaryStr(
	int32_t	inValue,
	char*	inBuffer,
	uint32_t	inMask = 0x80000000);
/****************************** UInt32ToBinaryStr *****************************/
char* UInt32ToBinaryStr(
	int32_t		inValue,
	char*		inBuffer,
	uint32_t	inMask)
	uint32_t	nMask = inMask;
	char*	buffPtr = inBuffer;
	for (; nMask != 0; nMask >>= 1)
		*(buffPtr++) = (inValue & nMask) ? '1':'0';
		if (nMask & 0xEEEEEEEF)
		*(buffPtr++) = ' ';
	*buffPtr = 0;

/*********************************** loop *************************************/
void loop(void)
	uint32_t	duration = micros() - gPacketStart;
	*	Only display the packet content when not actively processing a packet (via Serial).
	*	If we've passed the end of a packet AND
	*	the value has changed THEN
	*	display the packet content
	if (duration > 20000 &&
		gPacketValue != sPreviousValue)
		char buffer[50];
		char*	endBuffPtr = UInt32ToBinaryStr(gPacketValue, buffer, 0x800000);	// display the last 6 nibbles
		*endBuffPtr = 0;
		sPreviousValue = gPacketValue;
		bool	isMetric = (gPacketValue & 0x800000) == 0;
		float packetValue;
		uint8_t	dPlaces = 2;
		if (isMetric)
			*	For metric the value is 100/mm
			packetValue = (gPacketValue & 0xFFFFF);
			packetValue /= 100;
		} else
			*	For inches:
			*	- the value is 1000/inch
			*	- bit 0 is for 0.0005, so strip if off
			packetValue = ((gPacketValue & 0xFFFFF) >> 1);
			packetValue /= 1000;
			*	If bit 0 THEN
			*	add 0.0005
			if (gPacketValue & 1)
				dPlaces = 4;
				packetValue += 0.0005;
			} else
				dPlaces = 3;
		if (gPacketValue & 0x100000)
			packetValue = -packetValue;
		Serial.print(" = ");
		Serial.print(packetValue, dPlaces);
		Serial.println(isMetric ? "mm" : "in");

You say you modified it, then be so kind to also post the original and to tell us what you modified and what for...

    Serial.print(" = ");
    Serial.print(packetValue, dPlaces);
    Serial.println(isMetric ? "mm" : "in");

These are the only Serial.print()s in your code and I assume that it is packetValue that is twice the required value.

If I told you that packetValue was say 20 how would you halve the value ?
Would you perhaps divide it by a suitable number ?

You say you modified it, then be so kind to also post the original and to tell us what you modified and what for...

I added a ! in front of digitalRead so it would flip the binary codes 0 & 1

uint8_t data = digitalRead(CaliperDataPin);
uint32_t now = micros();
uint32_t duration = now - gPacketStart;


uint8_t data = !digitalRead(CaliperDataPin);
uint32_t now = micros();
uint32_t duration = now - gPacketStart;

I went from: 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1100 = -524.286in

to: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 = 0.0005in



Serial.print(" = ");
    Serial.print(packetValue, dPlaces);
    Serial.println(isMetric ? "mm" : "in");

These are the only Serial.print()s in your code and I assume that it is packetValue that is twice the required value.

If I told you that packetValue was say 20 how would you halve the value ?
Would you perhaps divide it by a suitable number ?

I thought of that but I'm afraid of rounding errors
.015mm may display as .02mm on dial indicator screen but show in the serial output as .03mm

The cheap dial indicators pretty much all have a resolution of 0.0005", and I would guess the output value is simply a count of how many 0.0005" units are being measured.

Ray L.

sPreviousValue = gPacketValue = 0xBADBADBAD;

That's a bit wonky. The constant has 9 hex digits. A uint32_t can only hold 8 of them.

If you had warnings enabled in the IDE it will tell you:

sketch_jun20a:20: warning: large integer implicitly truncated to unsigned type 
   sPreviousValue = gPacketValue = 0xBADBADBAD;
