Variable keeps resetting

Hi, I am a very basic coder, I try to use examples then modify from there, so if my code is a bit over the place I apologise.

I have a Nextion LCD display and a pressure transducer with a relay and valve. (Relay/Valve has own power supply, relay shares same ground as my Nano)

I have the hardware working ok, however I am getting stuck on a starting variable. I want to have the initial valve set to 15 psi then the buttons on the screen can adjust from there. (ultimately I will eventually get to writing it to EEprom so if there is loss of power it is already set.)

The problem I have is once the valve is triggered and the value of the pressure drops below the threshold the set vale goes back to the initial value of 15. (I can't figure out why, I'm sure its really simple, but it evades me.

This is the trigger for the valve.

if (pressureValue1  >= setpsi1) digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN1, LOW);
if (pressureValue1  < setpsi1) digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN1, HIGH);

My Full code

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <softwareserial.h>

#define rxPin 8
#define txPin 9
SoftwareSerial mySerial = SoftwareSerial(rxPin,txPin);

const int RELAY_PIN1 = PIND7;
const int RELAY_PIN2 = PIND6;

const int pressureInput1 = A1; //select the analog input pin for the pressure transducer
const int pressureZero = 102.4; //analog reading of pressure transducer at 0psi
const int pressureMax = 921.6; //analog reading of pressure transducer at 100psi
const int pressuretransducermaxPSI = 30; //psi value of transducer being used
float pressureValue1 = 0; //variable to store the value coming from the pressure transducer

const int pressureInput2 = A7; //select the analog input pin for the pressure transducer
float pressureValue2 = 0; //variable to store the value coming from the pressure transducer
float setpsi1;
float setpsi2;

void updatesetpsi1(){
  String updatepsi1(setpsi1,1);
  mySerial.print(" psi");
void updatesetpsi2(){
String updatepsi2(setpsi2,1);
  mySerial.print(" psi");

void sendData(String data_from_display){
  if (data_from_display == "1up") {
      setpsi1 = setpsi1 + 1;
  if (data_from_display == "1down") {
    setpsi1 = setpsi1 -1;
  if (data_from_display == "2up") {
    setpsi2 = setpsi2 + 1;
  if (data_from_display == "2down") {
    setpsi2 = setpsi2 - 1;

void setup() {

   // Serial.begin(115200);

    delay(50);  // This dalay is just in case the nextion display didn't start yet, to be sure it will receive the following command.
    mySerial.print("bauds=115200");  // Set new baud rate of nextion to 115200, but it's temporal. Next time nextion is power on,
  //                               // it will retore to default baud of 9600.
  //                               // To take effect, make sure to reboot the arduino (reseting arduino is not enough).
  //                               // If you want to change the default baud, send the command as "bauds=115200", instead of "baud=115200".
  //                               // If you change the default baud, everytime the nextion is power ON is going to have that baud rate, and
  //                               // would not be necessery to set the baud on the setup anymore.
    mySerial.write(0xff);  // We always have to send this three lines after each command sent to nextion.
    mySerial.begin(115200);  // Start serial comunication at baud=115200

    pinMode(RELAY_PIN1, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(RELAY_PIN2, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(rxPin, INPUT);
    pinMode(txPin, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN2, LOW);
    setpsi1 = 15;
    setpsi2 = 15;
void loop(){

if (mySerial.available()){
  String data_from_display = "";
  while (mySerial.available()){
    data_from_display += char(;

  pressureValue1 = analogRead(pressureInput1); //reads value from input pin and assigns to variable
  pressureValue2 = analogRead(pressureInput2); //reads value from input pin and assigns to variable
  pressureValue1 = ((pressureValue1-pressureZero)*pressuretransducermaxPSI)/(pressureMax-pressureZero); //conversion equation to convert analog reading to psi
  pressureValue2 = ((pressureValue2-pressureZero)*pressuretransducermaxPSI)/(pressureMax-pressureZero); //conversion equation to convert analog reading to psi

                            if (pressureValue1  >= setpsi1) digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN1, LOW);
                            if (pressureValue1  < setpsi1) digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN1, HIGH);
                            if (pressureValue2 >= setpsi2) digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN2, LOW);
                            if (pressureValue2 < setpsi2) digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN2, HIGH);
    String pressure1(pressureValue1, 1);
    String pressure2(pressureValue2, 1);
  mySerial.print(" psi");

  mySerial.print(" psi");

    // Serial.print(setpsi1);
    // Serial.print(" psi ");
    // Serial.print( setpsi2 );
    // Serial.println();


Thanks for all the good advice, turns out to be an electrical issue with the relay resetting the Nano when it drops the power to the solenoid.

I must be missing something... I can’t see any suggestions or advice ..?

I must be missing something... I can’t see any suggestions or advice ..?

Sarcasm, LOL!

const int pressureZero = 102.4; //analog reading of pressure transducer at 0psi
const int pressureMax = 921.6; //analog reading of pressure transducer at 100psi

Be careful, you're putting float values into integers. What will happen to them?

Are you saying It should be:

a float value cause of the decimal place? They are used for calculating the PSI of the returned analogue reading.

(I copied the code from a tutorial/video of a pressure transducer)

Should I be using?

const float pressureZero = 102.4; //analog reading of pressure transducer at 0psi
const float pressureMax = 921.6; //analog reading of pressure transducer at 100psi


Yes, by definition an integer cannot represent a real number that is not an integer value. The integer and floating point, 'int' and 'float' are the computer counterparts of those theoretical constructs. The answer to above question is, "yes", however the larger question of whether floating point values are the best for your specific application is a different one.