there is a problem I cannot understand:
The content of variables is different if I take it from within a method of a class or from outside.
The code is for testing with Teensy3.2 and with Arduino Mega2560.
The test results shown here come from Mega2560.
Short explanation of code problem:
There is a class SdPlayClassTe containing a method setFile() which opens a file and defines some file parameters
typedef struct {
uint8_t Attributes;
uint32_t Size; // in bytes
uint32_t FirstCluster; // First cluster
uint32_t ActSector; // 0 to (SD_L2_FAT.SecPerClus - 1)
uint32_t ActBytePos; // 0 to Size
} SD_L2_File_t;
Additionally it computes two public variables, start_sec_file and anzsect, from these parameters, see code part of audio.cpp.
The content of parameters Size and ActSector and variable anzsect is different when printing them inside setFile() or after calling setFile() and printing them outside.
The output from running the sketch und IDE 1.8.4:
Wiring is correct and a SD-card is present.
Looking for ANSAGEK5.AHM...
in setFile(), fileinfo.ActSector|fileinfo.Size: 22336|3002544
22336 5865
found. fstat=2
in setup(), Fileparameter from fileinfo:
Attributes=32, Size=53424, FirstCluster=45, ActSector=95, ActBytePos=0
abgeleitete Parameter:
start_sec_file=22336, anzsect=0
The value of anzsect is correct (=5865) inside setFile() but wrong outside (=0).
The values of file parameters ActSector and Size are correct (=22336, =3002544) inside setFile() but wrong (=95, =53424) outside!
The code of the sketch and the method setFile() is included here. The complete class definition and implementation is in the attachment. The library is not attached because it was not possible to mark all the files and attach them additionally. I will post a reply with the library attached too.
#include "audio.h"
#include "sd_l2_Te.h"
#define SMS_LEN 160
#define TALK_BUFF_LEN 1024
byte talk_buff[TALK_BUFF_LEN]; // Daten zur Wiedergabe der Sprache
char msgtxt[SMS_LEN];
uint8_t fstat;
void setup() {
uint32_t read_time;
int16_t anz_errors;
// put your setup code here, to run once:
while (!Serial) {
; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB port only
// SD-card aktivieren:
SdPlay.setWorkBuffer(talk_buff, TALK_BUFF_LEN);
if (!SdPlay.init()) {
sprintf(msgtxt,"Error code: %d, --> runup stopped", SdPlay.getLastError());
Serial.print(F("SD-card initialization failed: runup stopped, "));
else {
Serial.println(F("Wiring is correct and a SD-card is present."));
// the problem is in the following part of code ...------------------------------------------------
Serial.print(F("Looking for ANSAGEK5.AHM... "));
fstat=SdPlay.setFile((char*)("ANSAGEK5.AHM")); // ohne type casting ergibt das "warning"
if(fstat<2) {
sprintf(msgtxt,"Error code: %d, --> runup stopped", SdPlay.getLastError());
if (fstat==1) Serial.println(F("file is fragmented!"));
else Serial.println(F(" not found on card!"));
else {
Serial.print(F("found. fstat="));Serial.println(fstat);
Serial.println(F(" in setup(), Fileparameter from fileinfo:"));
sprintf(msgtxt,"Attributes=%d, Size=%u, FirstCluster=%u, ActSector=%u, ActBytePos=%u",
Serial.println(F("abgeleitete Parameter:"));
sprintf(msgtxt,"start_sec_file=%u, anzsect=%u",
SdPlay.start_sec_file, SdPlay.anzsect);
// ... up to here ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// now testing SD card:
Serial.print(F("Lesedauer in usec: "));Serial.println(read_time);
Serial.print(F("Anzahl Fehler dabei: "));Serial.println(anz_errors);
void loop() {
The class implementation, audio.cpp, only code of setFile(), complete in the attachment:
// ************* Instantiations ********************
SdPlayClassTe SdPlay;
// ************* Class implementation **************
* Sets file to play.
* \return
* 0 file not found
* 1 file found, but fragmented
* 2 file ok
* (fetch error-code using getLastError)
uint8_t SdPlayClassTe::setFile(char *fileName) {
if(!_pBuf) {
uint8_t retval;
fileinfo.Size = 0;
retval = SD_L2_SearchFile((uint8_t *)fileName, 0UL, 0x00, 0x18, &fileinfo);
if(retval>0) {
_lastError = retval;
else { // file found
start_sec_file = fileinfo.ActSector;
anzsect = (fileinfo.Size + 511)/512;
retval = 2;
// extra prints for testing:
Serial.print(F("\n in setFile(), fileinfo.ActSector|fileinfo.Size: "));
Serial.print(start_sec_file);Serial.print(" ");Serial.println(anzsect);
if (SD_L2_IsFileFragmented(&fileinfo)) retval=1;
audio.cpp (4.1 KB)
audio.h (2.66 KB)