Various project related questions

I am relatively new to all this, but any help that anyone can give me on the below would be very much appreciated. I want to do all of the below with Arduino via wifi. I would like to create a platform on an ipad to neatly do all of these remotely via an app or some such.

  1. Open and close switches
  2. Open and close water valves
  3. Monitor water temperature
  4. Heat/cool water to given temperature
  5. Stir some water
  6. Rotate a motor slowly by a given number of degrees

Thank you

Well all the listed items can def be controlled with an arduino, depending on the number of valves and switches and motors, you could start with the UNO or move up to the MEGA for the board.

Depending on the requirements for each sensor and device you want to control you can get relatively inexpensive components to do each of the required list above.. The wifi i cant offer much on that as the only project i worked on with wifi we never completed, so as far as i got was being able to establish a connection and send a command from my phone and see it on the serial monitor.