hi everyone
i have a project scoping question or partly a ram/memory question
I have actually developed the project and its almost done, just putting the hardware together now.....Its a sequencer and is based on the Mega 2560 ......and as I have 7 pins left it got me thinking......... what can I do with these??
The only thing I think I may like to use them for i some sort of patch memory function
Overall I have about 180 declared variables (mostly int) and the code seems to work fine altho I need to tidy it up a hell of a lot!!
So for each 'patch' id like to save there's 56 variables i want to be able to store or recall in an instant and i thought of having 2 banks of 12 patches
2x12x56 is over a thousand variables!!
I've looked up my memory/staorage options:
Flash memory / PROGMEM, it seems you can only save to this once per 'session' so great for loading loads of pre-determined data into arrays for lookup but no good for on the fly data saving no?
SRAM is volatile
EPROM is slow? I want to save/recall while its running, plus if I wrote a thousand variables to it a hundred time each time I use it, it could wear out i think?
firstly am I correct with these findings/assumptions?
secondly would it be feasible given the amount of overall variables I'm using in SRAM, that I could store another 1000 here in 'patch' arrays without running out of space while its running, then just 'dumping' and 'loading' from eprom on 'startup' and 'shutdown'
Am I on the right track? anyone done anything similar?
any ideas on the limits of the Mega in layman's terms, i.e how many ints can you work with in one go?
any help or pointers appreciated