Hello everyone, this is my first post!
I came up with an idea, that it turned out, somebody else had already realized.
But I want to do a couple of things different.
First about this project:
Here in Norway, and probably many other countries we use a DIGIPASS, as part of the authentication for logging in to internet banking services.
More info on the device used is found here: http://www.tekresponse.co.uk/tr_development121/uploads/documents/Vendors/Vasco/DP%20GO3%20-%20DS201007-v1.pdf
I want to hook this digipass up to a computer/server running linux, that upon request sends me the code that is output to the LCD.
As mentioned it turnes out, that somebody else had partially already realized a similar project.
The project is free to edit and I have the creators blessing on that.
I want to do something a little bit different, as i want a relay/switch to short the traces to turn the DiGIPASS on (not using a servo, as in his project).
Also, if possible?
I want to be able to get the lcd output signals catched directly in to text, instead of catching the display image with a cam and using OCR, as the other guy did.
I searched the forums, and it seems he asked about this when he made his project, are there any new ideas on this?
The ting is, I have never played with lcd controllers of any kind, and know very little about how it works.
Could some of you experinced guys, tell me what i need, and especially if the lcd signal read is possible?