first off, I am a newbie! I am trying to measure proximity using the VCNL4010 sensor, the ATmega328P and this code (VCNL4010/VCNL4010.ino at master · ControlEverythingCommunity/VCNL4010 · GitHub).
I don't think there's anything wrong with the code, so I don't know whether this is the right place to ask for help, but the lowest proximity value I can get is around 2100 (about 12mm) which is way too much as the sensor should be able to measure distances up to 200mm. Has anybody had a similar problem or any suspicion what's wrong? I've already tried different sensors, in case there might be defective, and tried different pull-up resistor values. I have also measured the current going into the sensor which seemed to be okay.
Thanks a lot!