I am having some trouble with my project. It is a vending machine, with a counter and some LED's which display when you can afford a type of soda. Coke=4 presses, Fanta=6 and so... This works fine, but I am also trying to connect a 4-bit 7-segment (7447), and would like the display to show the current presses (the value called buttonPushCounter). The code pasted below only kind of works, but the display shows zero, but you need 2 presses for it to reach 1, and the buttonPushCounter-value is then 3, so the display is always -1 behind the actual value.
The second issue is that whenever we press a item (for example Fanta), the display won't update, but the leds do. I am not sure how to do this. If you want to see how the code works and all I have createda TinkerCAD project below, and you can see the problem for yourself.
Just hit "simulate". The display is replaced by some LED's showing the 4-bit value, you will see that it is behind and will no update until you press the money button again.
Any help is appreciated.
// Vending machine
const int moneyButtonPin = 2; // button that counts money
const int ColaLEDPin = 3; // the pin that the LED is attached to
const int FantaLEDPin = 4; // the pin that the LED is attached to
const int SpriteLEDPin = 5; // the pin that the LED is attached to
const int ColaButtonPin = 6; // button for COLA
const int FantaButtonPin = 7; // button for FANTA
const int SpriteButtonPin = 8; // button for SPRITE
const int c = 4; // cola price
const int f = 6; // fanta price
const int s = 8; // sprite price
byte displayPin[] = {9,10,11,12};
const byte numPins = 4; // how many leds
// Variables will change:
int buttonPushCounter = 0; // counter for the number of button presses
int buttonState = 0; // current state of the button
int lastButtonState = 0; // previous state of the button
int state;
void setup() {
pinMode(moneyButtonPin, INPUT); // initialize the button pin as a input
pinMode(ColaButtonPin, INPUT); // initialize Cola-button pin as a input
pinMode(FantaButtonPin, INPUT); // initialize Fanta-button pin as a input
pinMode(SpriteButtonPin, INPUT); // initialize Sprite-button pin as a input
pinMode(ColaLEDPin, OUTPUT); // initialize ColaLED pin as a input
pinMode(FantaLEDPin, OUTPUT); // initialize FantaLED button pin as a input
pinMode(SpriteLEDPin, OUTPUT); // initialize SpriteLED button pin as a input
for(int i = 0; i < numPins; i++) {
pinMode(displayPin[i], OUTPUT);
void loop() {
String binNumber = String(buttonPushCounter, BIN);
buttonState = digitalRead(moneyButtonPin); // read the pushbutton input pin
if (buttonState != lastButtonState) { // compare the buttonState to its previous state
if (buttonState == HIGH) { // if the state has changed, increment the counter
buttonPushCounter++; // if the current state is HIGH then the button went from off to on:
int binLength = binNumber.length();
if(buttonPushCounter <= 9) { // if we have less or equal to 9 presses
for(int i = 0, x = 1; i < binLength; i++, x+=2) {
if(binNumber[i] == '0') state = LOW;
if(binNumber[i] == '1') state = HIGH;
digitalWrite(displayPin[i] + binLength - x, state);
delay(50); // Delay a little bit to avoid button-bouncing
lastButtonState = buttonState; //Save button state before reset
if (buttonPushCounter >= c) {
digitalWrite(ColaLEDPin, HIGH);//Set ColaLED (Red) HIGH
} else {
digitalWrite(ColaLEDPin, LOW);//Set ColaLED (Red) HIGH
if (buttonPushCounter >= f) {
digitalWrite(FantaLEDPin, HIGH);//Set ColaLED (Red) HIGH
} else {
digitalWrite(FantaLEDPin, LOW);//Set ColaLED (Red) HIGH
if (buttonPushCounter >= s) {
digitalWrite(SpriteLEDPin, HIGH);//Set ColaLED (Red) HIGH
} else {
digitalWrite(SpriteLEDPin, LOW);//Set ColaLED (Red) LOW
if (digitalRead(ColaButtonPin) == HIGH) {
digitalWrite(ColaLEDPin, LOW);
if(buttonPushCounter >= c){
buttonPushCounter = buttonPushCounter - c;
if (digitalRead(FantaButtonPin) == HIGH) {//Set FantaLED (Yellow) HIGH
digitalWrite(FantaLEDPin, LOW);//Set FantaLED (Yellow) LOW
if(buttonPushCounter >= f){
buttonPushCounter = buttonPushCounter - f;
if (digitalRead(SpriteButtonPin) == HIGH) {//Set SpriteLED (Green) HIGH
digitalWrite(SpriteLEDPin, LOW);//Set SpriteLED (Green) LOW
if(buttonPushCounter >= s){
buttonPushCounter = buttonPushCounter - s;