I need a distance sensor that find the distance of objects in very less radius also at far distance. I have seen many sensors, but I as they are big I doubt how sharp will they be. Eg. I need to find the distance of a point of radius 2 cm 1m away form the sensor. Which sensor will help me ?
A good ultrasonic sensor can easily detect a 2 cm object at 1 m distance. The distance accuracy will be +/- a few mm.
Hello Dasaradh,
The most popular distance sensor is ultrasonic HC-SR04 which has range from 2cm to more than 2m.
If a measurement a few times per second is just fine for your project,you can use my code from this thread to get better results while detecting e.g. railings, sharp edges, legs of a chair and small, rapid-moving or feeble objects.