Very disappointed how people on this forum behaves.

It seems that a lot of those people that answers questions here are extremely rude. I've seen people who have 70000+ posted items, but when they answers the question they do not help the inquirer. Only quips and complaints. Not very helpful at all,,, so why do they bother to post?

Should it be like that?

Not seen too many of the type you mention and certainly not on a regular basis.

Of those that I have seen I often look at the whole thread and sometimes I can see where frustration could be the cause.

A large part of that frustration I think stems from the fact that so many want INSTANT answers and provide almost no real information about the issue sometimes even when asked repeatedly.

Maybe if new users were forced to go through a couple of the posts designed to help them understand the way a forum works it would save a lot of issues.

Then there are the "me too" posts when in actual fact there is often nothing even remotely the same issue and they clearly should have posted a new thread with more than a "me too".

Biggest thing to remember is that we are all for the most part just another user like yourself and don't get paid to help out and like most normal people we have good and bad days.

Many of us come back day or night and offer help and advice where we can without thinking twice and sometimes we fall into a trap of a question which is very annoying.
Would you storm into a bakery and ask for a set of car tires ? as that's what it sometimes feels like on this side at times.

Credit where its due to those who do this almost out of the kindness and willingness to help others and remember we are human too.

Know im not innocent in this either.

1 Like

If I calculate your post karma ratio,, you end up with 4.5
The people I am complaining about have a post/karma ratio of about 78.

That tells me much about their attitude and skill.

From now I rest my case.

Using the KARMA system is exceptionally flawed at a base level.
Many questions that are SOLVED are often not given any KARMA.
The MODS have also stated that they have no idea who gives KARMA so in theory I could upvote a Newbie such as yourself to 100% with no real oversight.

But had you taken the time to read the posts regarding it and its value you would have been aware of that.

Should you wish to use "SOLVED" as a criteria then I feel it only fair to mention the amount of people who come get an answer and the question is never marked as resolved or otherwise.

Myself I have given Karma to people based on good answers, the ability to follow through a difficult session, or even for correcting me and helping me develop.

It takes quite a long time to see the real value of some of the members here and get even a small insight into a personality. That too is a factor I have in mind when I see answers and even questions. Based on your 8 posts I think its a little early to determine anything worthwhile as like many before me I have seen a few come and go. And thats a shame as some were clearly great at handling questions.

The jury is still out on your assumptions and methods so far.
But if you come up with an actual valid working method that could be applied I am sure there are lots of us who would welcome it.

That tells me much about their attitude and skill.

Post some links to the Replies you think are rude. Don't make generalizations.

If I am one of those on your black list I would like to know and to have an opportunity to respond.


As a slight aside to this I think if you want to do justice to a user you have to read EVERY single post they made from POST ONE to the current date and evaluate how much good they put into the forum vs an occasional lapse.

Maybe do that for all users with over 1000 posts and collate that information.

Having a ticket in data source analysis I would love to see that information even though it would be slightly subjective.

OK I found the reason for his discontent I think.

Take a peek HERE R2

If I calculate your post karma ratio,, you end up with 4.5
The people I am complaining about have a post/karma ratio of about 78.

That tells me much about their attitude and skill.

It tells you nothing of the sort.
The karma system is relatively recent - some of us had tens of thousands of posts before it was even introduced.

(I loved the bakery/tyre shop analogy)

OK I found the reason for his discontent I think

My discontent too - there's irony for you (in an Alanis Morrissette not-really-irony stylee)

If I am one of those on your black list I would like to know and to have an opportunity to respond.

There is only one person with the number of posts OP mentioned. I am not at all interested in coddling OP, who can't be bothered to POST ALL OF HIS/HER CODE.

OK I found the reason for his discontent I think.

Thanks. I'm safe then.

I never get involved in the complexity of Classes :slight_smile:

(except in Ruby :slight_smile: ).


Feel free to steal any good stuff I post you are only stealing from a stealer although that was my own LOL.

Possible a good thread for bar sport ?

Off the wall analogies !

My usual analogy goes something like:

"OP walks into garage and says "My car doesn't start. It's a white one, and I left it on my drive. Fix it for me "".

My usual analogy goes something like:

"OP walks into garage and says "My car doesn't start. It's a white one, and I left it on my drive. Fix it for me "".

And the mechanic asks "What's wrong with it?". And the customer says "That's what your supposed to figure out".

So, the mechanic asks "Well, where is it?". And the customer stomps out, calling the mechanic an idiot for not knowing where he/she lives. And, then goes on Facebook and pisses and moans about not being able to find a good mechanic who will work for nothing.

...or points to the same model and says "It's one of those . . .but I changed the colour, the tyres, replaced the engine and transmission and made it run on fermented turnips. Other than that, it's exactly as it is in the catalogue"

And reactions like his are about as much use as a chocolate fire guard when the evidence speaks for itself.

A recent classic


Its the shiney badge that attracts them :wink:

You should hide it under your cloak.

...or points to the same model and says "It's one of those . . .but I changed the colour, the tyres, replaced the engine and transmission and made it run on fermented turnips. Other than that, it's exactly as it is in the catalogue" only admits to the changes a week later.

It's frustrating that usually the problem is simple to solve, but it's a huge task to get people to provide the necessary information.

A recent classic

Secondarily, mine is a kind of feedback since this issue might be related to a compiler fault.

That has to be a corollary to Godwin's Law for technical forums.

...or points to the same model and says "It's one of those . . .but I changed the colour, the tyres, replaced the engine and transmission and made it run on fermented turnips. Other than that, it's exactly as it is in the catalogue"

So true ...

And getting people back to the unadulterated example (that actually works) usually takes 10 or 15 Replies.
