Does anyone know where there might be an easy to read schmatic for a VFD display? I picked up a CoolerMaster Multi-Media controller for $5.00, specifically for the VFD (Samsung 16T202DA1E). I figured I ought to be able to re-use the VFD display for something (and if not, it was $5.00)

I'm just not sure what the connections should be. I noticed that the 16T is listed on the LCD library page..

A Datasheet for the unit is @ http://www.adrirobot.it/datasheet/LCD/PDF/samsung_16T202DA1.pdf

That should work the same as an LCD

It uses HD44780 as the interface spec so using the pinout in the datasheet go to the Arduino playground for the LCD library and give it a shot.

Oh and that is cool, post a like to the supplier. :slight_smile:

The supplier I got these from was geeks.com.

Link: http://www.geeks.com/details.asp?invtid=RC-260-OSB1&cat=CCD but they are marked as out of stock.

A google search for the unit should yeild some results. I found it with a google product search for anywhere from $7 to $20.


Comes with a IR/Receiver and remote too. :slight_smile:

LMK if anyone finds this useful or not. I'll update later with my results from testing the VFD.

I just happened to have a moderndevice serial LCD board laying around, originally attached to a 4x20 LCD I was using for another project. I had to map the single-row 16-pin output to the VFD's 2x8 header, and after uploading the moderndevice 2x16 demo code - Lo, let there be display!


I found some more of these nifty little units @ a website called TekGems http://tekgems.com/Products/et-53770-ccd-rc-260-osb1.htm) They were more expensive than the ones at Geeks.com @ $8.50 each. Plus shipping (I paid roughly $5.00 in shipping to the Chicago area). That works out to about $9.00 each.

$9.00 for a 16x2 VFD is pretty good. Include the remote, and parts on the PCB for the USB/IO interface (a nice little IR sensor, a Cypress Semi chip (can't read the markings, gull-wing 24-pin SMT type) and some misc caps and heck.. it's a steal.

Which is why I bought 5 more of 'em. You never know when your going to need a display.... :wink: