Does anyone know where there might be an easy to read schmatic for a VFD display? I picked up a CoolerMaster Multi-Media controller for $5.00, specifically for the VFD (Samsung 16T202DA1E). I figured I ought to be able to re-use the VFD display for something (and if not, it was $5.00)
I'm just not sure what the connections should be. I noticed that the 16T is listed on the LCD library page..
I just happened to have a moderndevice serial LCD board laying around, originally attached to a 4x20 LCD I was using for another project. I had to map the single-row 16-pin output to the VFD's 2x8 header, and after uploading the moderndevice 2x16 demo code - Lo, let there be display!
I found some more of these nifty little units @ a website called TekGems They were more expensive than the ones at @ $8.50 each. Plus shipping (I paid roughly $5.00 in shipping to the Chicago area). That works out to about $9.00 each.
$9.00 for a 16x2 VFD is pretty good. Include the remote, and parts on the PCB for the USB/IO interface (a nice little IR sensor, a Cypress Semi chip (can't read the markings, gull-wing 24-pin SMT type) and some misc caps and heck.. it's a steal.
Which is why I bought 5 more of 'em. You never know when your going to need a display....