
Hi. I am looking at designing a device for my university dissertation that would use an accelerometer to sense vibration (from a gearbox for example) to determine wear/damage etc and convert it into an electrical signal to then be stored to memory then transmitted via Bluetooth to a laptop. Firstly. Would this even be possible? Secondly. How would I be able to build a cct to achieve this? Thank you in advance for your input

Shouldn't this question be the subject of the dissertation?

Would this even be possible?

As a few moments with Google would have very rapidly shown you, people have been doing this for decades.

This would not be an original topic for a thesis.

*Research accelerometers and methods of measuring vibration.
*Find suitable device
*buy it

  • try it
  • interface to Arduino
  • write code
  • test it
  • write up results.
  • suggest further work
    *spell check & print
  • hand in

It should be your research , not just asking if it can be done . The telephone wasn’t invented by asking Someone on a forum. Sorry but ...