Video display project

Hello everyone,

I need help, I want to start a new project and I need some information regarding what kind of hardware needs and if it s possible to do that.

Short description regarding the project.

I need to receive some picture and videos from server and save locally, the update the information storage make a refresh data 1 time per day.

I will want to use smartphone to do the requests and monitoring what video is showed on display and how many seconds it’s showed.

The display or Arduino is running only when I will give the energy power because the Arduino don t have continues energy only when I press some button.

Then ask your question in a smartphone forum. This is not an Arduino question.

Why can't that be done on the smartphone?

How do you want to power the Arduino?
Specify how the smartphone will communicate with the Arduino - BT, USB...? You'll need an Arduino capable of such communication.
Specify how to send the on/off commands and the data to display.
The choice of the display is up to you.

What is the project really about doing - there may be other ways for what looks a pretty difficult project . ( eg why not leave them on the server ?)

Hi @arlechino12,

welcome to the arduino-forum
transferring pictures and especially videos requires big amounts of storage-space.
A short comparison:

An average smartphone has an internal storage-capacity of at least 8GB flash and has at least 1GB RAM.

an Arduino Uno has 0.000305 GB of flash memory
and 0.000002 GB of RAM

You are reading right the memory of an arduino uno is that small
in opposite expressed with small units not GB but kB
Arduino 32 kB flash 2kB RAM
smartphone 8.000.000 kB flash 1.000.000 kB RAM

You will have to specify much more precise:

  • what picture resolution?
  • how many pictures in what time?

for videos:

  • how many pixels resolution?
  • what frame-rate?
  • how many videos of what length?

To be on the secure site I recommend instead of using a microcontroller
using a microcomputer a Raspberry Pi 4 or a banana Pi or a fanless mini PC

If you describe much more precise what the final purpose of recording and transfering pciture/video-data is,
much better suited suggestions can be made

best regards Stefan

A laptop would work well. This is not an Arduino project.

Second vote for Raspberry PI.

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