Visual Studio Code Libraries Error

Hi all,

I'm trying to develop from Visual Studio Code instead of Arduino IDE.
And i'm having troubles with the "#include" command.

I have installed the Arduino IDE.

I have installed c/c++ and arduino plugin from microsoft on VSCode and when I verify it says "No such file or directory".

I have edited multiple times c_cpp_properties.json and every time I have restarted the IDE.

Even I set the main settings with the following:

"arduino.path"                    : "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Arduino",
"C_Cpp.intelliSenseEngine"        : "Tag Parser",
"C_Cpp.intelliSenseEngineFallback": "Disabled"

Could you help me please?

Thanks, regards.

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So this is a Visual Studio question then?

Yes, am I on the wrong section? Where should I ask it?

Thanks, regards.

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What are you using to make visual studio compile arduino sketches for you? Whatever tool that is, their support forum would probably be a better bet. I don't recall seeing anyone experienced posting about using visual studio here - I think around these parts people pretty much just use the official IDE - just an occasional newbie asking for help and not getting useful answers.

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What are you using to make visual studio compile arduino sketches for you? Whatever tool that is, their support forum would probably be a better bet. I don't recall seeing anyone experienced posting about using visual studio here - I think around these parts people pretty much just use the official IDE - just an occasional newbie asking for help and not getting useful answers.

Hi, I'm using this addon: VSCode arduino.

I'll try on VSC forums.

Thanks, regards.

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