VL53L1X suddenly dead?

Dear all,

I am working on an autonomous robot as a learing platform based on an Arduino Nano.
However I want to use a VL53L1X ToF sensor for distance measurements. I implemented the sensor using the library from Pololu. I hooked it up on my robot (together with some more I2C devices) and got it working. Nice. Worked for a couple of days now (longest period maybe 1h) and suddenly the sensor stopped working. I loaded the "Continuous" sketch from the library examples and uploaded it successfully. In the Serial monitor it transmitts nothing. Not even an error message.
I loaded the I2C scanner and the sensor is found at address 0x29. I noticed that I can read the sensors address (41, which is 0x29 in hex) and also write it, so I think there basically IS some communication between the µC and the sensor.
Next I hooked the sensor board to an Arduino Uno I have, without any additional components. Same error here. I think the sensor is somehow crashing during the init, bit I can't explain why.
I also tryed the Sparkfun library, but without success.
The strange thing is that I did not change any of the wiring of the setup before it stopped working.
Of course I tryed all kinds of shutting up and down the PC, changing cables, jumper wires, etc.

Is the sensor broken? I cant believe it's just gone out of nothing. Is there any way to do some hard reset on the sensor? Who can possibly help or has faced a similar issue and can share his experience?

I also tryed to add a 50ms delay in the setup sequence as I found it in some youtube video as a problem solver and it had no effect.

Probably: yes. As you failed to provide a wiring diagram I must assume you connected the I2C signal lines directly to the Nano/UNO. As both run on 5V you were far above the 3.6V which the datasheet defines as the absolute maximum voltage. It seems that you had big luck that the sensor worked for some time under these conditions.

Can you post a link to what model VL53L1X you have, a breakout board or the stand alone unit?

If you have the breakout PCB from Pololu it can run on 5V.

Tom... :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

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