Dear all,
I am working on an autonomous robot as a learing platform based on an Arduino Nano.
However I want to use a VL53L1X ToF sensor for distance measurements. I implemented the sensor using the library from Pololu. I hooked it up on my robot (together with some more I2C devices) and got it working. Nice. Worked for a couple of days now (longest period maybe 1h) and suddenly the sensor stopped working. I loaded the "Continuous" sketch from the library examples and uploaded it successfully. In the Serial monitor it transmitts nothing. Not even an error message.
I loaded the I2C scanner and the sensor is found at address 0x29. I noticed that I can read the sensors address (41, which is 0x29 in hex) and also write it, so I think there basically IS some communication between the µC and the sensor.
Next I hooked the sensor board to an Arduino Uno I have, without any additional components. Same error here. I think the sensor is somehow crashing during the init, bit I can't explain why.
I also tryed the Sparkfun library, but without success.
The strange thing is that I did not change any of the wiring of the setup before it stopped working.
Of course I tryed all kinds of shutting up and down the PC, changing cables, jumper wires, etc.
Is the sensor broken? I cant believe it's just gone out of nothing. Is there any way to do some hard reset on the sensor? Who can possibly help or has faced a similar issue and can share his experience?
I also tryed to add a 50ms delay in the setup sequence as I found it in some youtube video as a problem solver and it had no effect.