Voice pitch changer and sound board

I'm thinking of making a soundboard with about 8-16 buttons/sound effects, but I'd also like to hook up a mic and amp to change the pitch of a voice, perhaps with a potentiometer. Basically, I'd like a radio dj's sound kit. Also, would there be a possibility to make it portable?

I'm a newbie, so this project might have to be on the back burner while I gain some experience with easier projects. But I'm curious if this is feasible and if some one could send a link to similar projects.

Thanks peeps.

Wrong kind of processor. You need to look into DSPs.

I'm a newbie, so this project might have to be on the back burner while I gain some experience with easier projects.

Yes you will.

While the Arduino Uno is not a great processor to do this with, it is not impossible:-

This is a good example of what can be done and the construction is easy as it is a kit:-

In my book Arduino-Music-Audio-Projects I show how to make a small circuit with an external memory chip to make real time effects, like octave shift up and down, echo, delay and reverberation, finally a real time backwards effect. This last one sounds to me like you are talking in Russian. Their is also a ring modulator or "Dalek" voice changer that requires no extra parts.

Continuous pitch voice shifting by less that an octave is done by using a phase vocoder, which is not possible on any of the Arduinos due to the amount of processing required, not even the Due or Zero can do that.