Voice Recognition

I want to use Arduino and BitVoicer (http://www.bitsophia.com/BitVoicer.aspx) to recognize voice and receive text.
Is it possible to do this without connecting the arduino card to the computer ? i want to run the voice recognizer on server and send Http Request (using WIFI shield) with audio stream and the server will return the text.

What is your SITREP (Milspeak for SITUATION REPORT) ?

1- do you have an arduino ?
2-have you ever used it ?
3-do you have a bitvoicer?
4-have you ever used it ?
5-do you have any programming experience?
6-do you have any electronics experience ?
7- do you know Ohm's Law ?

I want to create a project with arduino which will read a barcode of a part insereted to the refregirator . The arduino will check using a web service if the barcode is known (exists in DataBase) , if not, it will ask the user to tell the part type, description etc.
I have knowledge in electronics and after searching google i found that bitvoicer can be used for Voice recognition. the questions is if i can use the arduino stand alone or it has to be connected to computer for voice recognition purposes (connecting bitvoicer)

I don't have BitVoicer, but reading this forum thread and the BitVoicer manual, it seems that the voice recognition is performed by software on the PC, and then the result of the recognition is communicated to the Arduino (or other MUC) for appropriate action.

As it says in the manual:

BitVoicer should be compatible with any programmable microcontroller or shield which uses TCP/IP
communication based on sockets or serial communication (UART interface)

So, maybe that fits your requirement, or maybe it doesn't - it's difficult for me to decide from your brief description.

That is an awesome find OP. I think i'll be really useful to me in the future.

It seem that BitVoicer recieves serial data from arduino and then processes it on the host PC yes. (i don't think there's really any other way).