Hi everyone,
I'm following a tutorial from a man named GreatScott on Instructables. The circuit is composed of a microphone, an sd card reader and an interrupt using the internal pullup resistor of the arduino.
I've modified the code a little bit to match my card and to have some feedback.
When i press the pushbutton, the serial monitor returns that the microphone is recording, then i press it again to stop. When i look on the card, a file of 5,1 Mo has been created, but is completely empty (only zeros on Hex editor). The size changes if i modify the space to pre-allocate in the PCMconfig.h file of the TMRPCM library.
That's very weird because i already recorded sound with the exact same setup and code two weeks ago.
But at that time, the builtin led was on when the system was recording, as it's written on the code.
Here is the code:
#include <SD.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <TMRpcm.h>
#define SD_ChipSelectPin 10
TMRpcm audio;
int audiofile = 0;
unsigned long i = 0;
bool recmode = 0;
void setup() {
pinMode(A0, INPUT);
pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP);
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(2), button, LOW);
audio.CSPin = SD_ChipSelectPin;
Serial.println("Audio recording test. hello");
if (!SD.begin(SD_ChipSelectPin)) {
Serial.println("SD BAD :( ");
} else {
Serial.println("SD OK");
void loop() {
void button() {
while (i < 300000) {
i = 0;
if (recmode == 0) {
recmode = 1;
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
switch (audiofile) {
case 1: audio.startRecording("1.wav", 16000, A0);
Serial.println ("start recording 1.wav");
case 2: audio.startRecording("2.wav", 16000, A0);
Serial.println ("start recording 2.wav"); break;
case 3: audio.startRecording("3.wav", 16000, A0);
Serial.println ("start recording 3.wav"); break;
case 4: audio.startRecording("4.wav", 16000, A0);
Serial.println ("start recording 4.wav"); break;
case 5: audio.startRecording("5.wav", 16000, A0);
Serial.println ("start recording 5.wav"); break;
case 6: audio.startRecording("6.wav", 16000, A0);
Serial.println ("start recording 6.wav"); break;
case 7: audio.startRecording("7.wav", 16000, A0);
Serial.println ("start recording 7.wav"); break;
case 8: audio.startRecording("8.wav", 16000, A0);
Serial.println ("start recording 8.wav"); break;
case 9: audio.startRecording("9.wav", 16000, A0);
Serial.println ("start recording 9.wav"); break;
case 10: audio.startRecording("10.wav", 16000, A0);
Serial.println ("start recording 10.wav"); break;
else {
recmode = 0;
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
switch (audiofile) {
case 1: audio.stopRecording("1.wav");
Serial.println ("stopped recording 1.wav");
case 2: audio.stopRecording("2.wav");
Serial.println ("stopped recording 2.wav"); break;
case 3: audio.stopRecording("3.wav");
Serial.println ("stopped recording 3.wav"); break;
case 4: audio.stopRecording("4.wav");
Serial.println ("stopped recording 4.wav"); break;
case 5: audio.stopRecording("5.wav");
Serial.println ("stopped recording 5.wav"); break;
case 6: audio.stopRecording("6.wav");
Serial.println ("stopped recording 6.wav"); break;
case 7: audio.stopRecording("7.wav");
Serial.println ("stopped recording 7.wav"); break;
case 8: audio.stopRecording("8.wav");
Serial.println ("stopped recording 8.wav"); break;
case 9: audio.stopRecording("9.wav");
Serial.println ("stopped recording 9.wav"); break;
case 10: audio.stopRecording("10.wav");
Serial.println ("stopped recording 10.wav"); break;
Thanks in advance!