void (action)

yesterday I was doing some research and pulled up a web page that had code that looked something like this

 Int var = 1
          void setup
           void loop
               call (void action);
           void (action)
              // do something

My internet crashed, and albe darned if i can find it again.
what i want to do is create something like a class in ruby. so in the loop I don't have to keep rewriting all the redundancy.

You can find information on functions here:


I think, I found something that will help me. http://arduino.cc/en/Reference/FunctionDeclaration it always seems like the simple things when forgoten are the hardest to remember.

thanks GunnerCAF We must have posted at the same time

No problem, at least you fount it ! :slight_smile: This is a hard one to search for and find. It would be nice if they added a link to the page in the Reference section.
