Void functions interference

I am trying to build a chopper and used a code from the internet for some car using nodeMCU wifi to control it, I'm trying to make some sort of strobe LEDs (just for looks) but everytime I include the LEDs functions they interfere with servo commands and my BLDCs stop working, I tried to put them in a seperate void function and mention it in void loop but still my BLDCs stop working
I want a way to control LEDs and BLDCs separated from each other (and an electronic stability controller later)
Here is my code

#define ENA   14          // Enable/speed motors Right        GPIO14(D5)
#define ENB   12          // Enable/speed motors Left         GPIO12(D6)
#define IN_1  15          // L298N in1 motors Rightx          GPIO15(D8)
#define IN_2  13          // L298N in2 motors Right           GPIO13(D7)
#define IN_3  2           // L298N in3 motors Left            GPIO2(D4)
#define IN_4  0           // L298N in4 motors Left            GPIO0(D3)

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h> 
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
#include <Servo.h>

Servo ESC;
Servo ESC1;

String command;             //String to store app command state.
int speedCar = 800;         // 400 - 1023.
int speed_Coeff = 3;

const char* ssid = "CH-47";
ESP8266WebServer server(80);

void setup() {

 pinMode(ENA, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(ENB, OUTPUT);  
 pinMode(IN_1, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(IN_2, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(IN_3, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(IN_4, OUTPUT); 
 pinMode(D5, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(D6, OUTPUT); 

// Connecting WiFi


  IPAddress myIP = WiFi.softAPIP();
  Serial.print("AP IP address: ");
 // Starting WEB-server 
     server.on ( "/", HTTP_handleRoot );
     server.onNotFound ( HTTP_handleRoot );

void strobe(){
  digitalWrite (D5,HIGH);
  delay (100);
  digitalWrite (D5, LOW);
  delay (200);
  digitalWrite (D6,HIGH);
  delay (100);
  digitalWrite (D6, LOW);
  delay (1800);
void goAhead(){ 

      digitalWrite(IN_2, HIGH);
      analogWrite(ENA, speedCar);

      digitalWrite(IN_3, LOW);
      digitalWrite(IN_4, HIGH);
      analogWrite(ENB, speedCar);

void goBack(){ 

      digitalWrite(IN_2, LOW);
      analogWrite(ENA, speedCar);

      digitalWrite(IN_3, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(IN_4, LOW);
      analogWrite(ENB, speedCar);

void goRight(){ 

      digitalWrite(IN_2, LOW);
      analogWrite(ENA, speedCar);

      digitalWrite(IN_3, LOW);
      digitalWrite(IN_4, HIGH);
      analogWrite(ENB, speedCar);

void goLeft(){

      digitalWrite(IN_1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(IN_2, HIGH);
      analogWrite(ENA, speedCar);

      digitalWrite(IN_3, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(IN_4, LOW);
      analogWrite(ENB, speedCar);

void goAheadRight(){
      digitalWrite(IN_2, HIGH);
      analogWrite(ENA, speedCar/speed_Coeff);
      digitalWrite(IN_3, LOW);
      digitalWrite(IN_4, HIGH);
      analogWrite(ENB, speedCar);

void goAheadLeft(){

      digitalWrite(IN_2, HIGH);
      analogWrite(ENA, speedCar);

      digitalWrite(IN_3, LOW);
      digitalWrite(IN_4, HIGH);
      analogWrite(ENB, speedCar/speed_Coeff);

void goBackRight(){ 

      digitalWrite(IN_2, LOW);
      analogWrite(ENA, speedCar/speed_Coeff);

      digitalWrite(IN_3, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(IN_4, LOW);
      analogWrite(ENB, speedCar);

void goBackLeft(){ 

      digitalWrite(IN_2, LOW);
      analogWrite(ENA, speedCar);

      digitalWrite(IN_3, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(IN_4, LOW);
      analogWrite(ENB, speedCar/speed_Coeff);

void stopRobot(){  

      digitalWrite(IN_2, LOW);
      analogWrite(ENA, speedCar);

      digitalWrite(IN_3, LOW);
      digitalWrite(IN_4, LOW);
      analogWrite(ENB, speedCar);

void loop() {


      command = server.arg("State");
      if (command == "F") goAhead();
      else if (command == "B") goBack();
      else if (command == "L") goLeft();
      else if (command == "R") goRight();
      else if (command == "I") goAheadRight();
      else if (command == "G") goAheadLeft();
      else if (command == "J") goBackRight();
      else if (command == "H") goBackLeft();
      else if (command == "0") ESC.write(0),ESC1.write(0);
      else if (command == "1")  ESC.write(20),ESC1.write(20); 
      else if (command == "2")  ESC.write(30),ESC1.write(40);
      else if (command == "3")  ESC.write(40),ESC1.write(55);
      else if (command == "4")  ESC.write(45),ESC1.write(65);
      else if (command == "5")  ESC.write(50),ESC1.write(70);
      else if (command == "6")  ESC.write(55),ESC1.write(75);
      else if (command == "7")  ESC.write(60),ESC1.write(80);
      else if (command == "8")  ESC.write(65),ESC1.write(85); 
      else if (command == "9")  ESC.write(70),ESC1.write(90);
      else if (command == "10") ESC.write(75),ESC1.write(95);


void HTTP_handleRoot(void) {

if( server.hasArg("State") ){
  server.send ( 200, "text/html", "" );

Could the multiple 100 millisecond delays be your problem?

It is because when I include it in void loop it gets stuck on turning LEDs on and off but my BLDCs won't work at all
I just don't know how to solve it

The delay function is over-rated, in my opinion.

Much better to not use it.

Aren't 8266s a bit limited on spare I/Os for this sort of thing?

I don't know about 8266s problems, honestly I am a complete noob in arduino this is my first project
So what can I do instead?

Pick a simpler problem domain
Build up to the big ones.

Looks like your strobe() fund blocks your program every time it is called. For more than 2 secs. Comment out the delays and include it. Run it and see what happens.

Installation and Troubleshooting is for Problems with the Arduino itself NOT your project. It says so in the description of the section. Therefore I have moved your post here. Please be more careful where you post in future.

You may want to read this before you proceed:-
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Hello m7dtrbay
Change the designation of D5 and D6 to the port numbers 5 and 6.

Have a nice day and enjoy coding in C++.
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