Voltage divider resistor value

Use a transistor to turn on the divider only when you need to take a measurement. Then when you turn off the transistor you're not wasting any power.

Man I wish you had answered earlier. I already gave up and ordered 3 1-cell protection boards with DW01 chips. I also bought FS312-F to replace with the DW01 chips because they are rubbish and have too low cutoff voltage (2.5v). It's gonna be a painstaking process because they are very small SMD packages.

But thanks anyway, maybe I'll use your solution for this project and use the boards to make a standalone battery pack which I always wanted to make.

Yeah i know, easy enough on a PCB with a little heat gun and solder paste, but on a piece of prototyping board it is fiddly.

I don't have a heat gun. I have to solder them with an iron. They are SOT-23-6 package. Wish me luck.

I'm happy I was able to find the FS312 chips tho. I have a bunch of tp4056 chargers that have a built-in protection circuit but I've never used the protection feature because of the low cut-off voltage. The protections ICs are pin-compatible so all I have to do to turn them into good charge+protection boards is replace the IC.

I have done it, also with a an iron, decent tweezers come in handy, and a suction pump. Be sure to check for shorts before you power up. Good luck !

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Mistakes to avoid is using too little flux and too much solder for SMT work. As little solder as possible, cover everything in flux (and clean it off after you are finished). Just using rosin-cored solder typically won't provide enough flux.

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Since i have to do the job myself soon, i remembered i have some 'adapters' SOIC-8 to DIL-8, those are a help compared to prototyping board.

Use 'solder paste' !

I don't have solder paste. I'm gonna try with a tiny blob attached to the tip of my iron and see how it goes.

It is for sure to use flux or paste during soldering, especially for small components.

Solder paste is better for hot-air (re)work, use thin rosin-cored with an iron.

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