voltage regulator and amplify PWM signal from arduino

Hi I am a beginner so my questions might be silly but please help me if anyone has a idea

I want to amplify 0~5 V PWM signal produced from Arduino to 10 V
and also regulate a battery supply voltage +12V to two voltage levels below 12 V

Is there a premade circuit board that can be use to achieve above 2 purposes instead if designing a PCB using op-amp IC ?

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Can you tell us your project/application?
What voltages and current do you need?
What size battery are you using?

Thanks.. Tom.. :slight_smile:

I want to amplify 0~5 V PWM signal produced from Arduino to 10 V

[u]Here is a transistor circult[/u] circuit that can "boost" the PWM. You need to supply the 10V separately. (If you have a non-inductive load you can leave-out the diode.)

and also regulate a battery supply voltage +12V to two voltage levels below 12 V

That would be a voltage regulator. The LM78xx series is popular and you only need to add a couple of capacitors. (But, linear regulators like the 78-series are not efficient and they will get hot depending on the amount of current and the voltage dropped across the regulator.)

Is there a premade circuit board that can be use to achieve above 2 purposes instead if designing a PCB using op-amp IC ?

Op-amps are OK for creating "reference" voltages, but they are not designed to supply power.

I want to amplify 0~5 V PWM signal produced from Arduino to 10 V

Not enough information - tell us exactly what you want to drive, details matter.