Vote for the inventor of the decade!

Vote for the inventor of the decade here! I believe I know who will be your pick!

Third Place :-? :slight_smile:

What's Mems? I've never heard of Bruno Murari.

MEMS are what made cheap and ultra precise and reliable gyros and accels, and other types of sensors available to the world, they are called labs in a chip.

Jon Lasseter and Arianna Huffington?!?!?!?! Really?

I wasn't aware that anyone invented the decade. I'd have thought it would be classified as an “obvious” concept formed by grouping ten years together in a row, consecutively. I'd always assumed it was a patent-free idea. I suppose now you're going to tell me that Oracle invented the decade, and Ghengis Khan invented the weekend.

I wasn't aware that anyone invented the decade. I'd have thought it would be classified as an “obvious” concept formed by grouping ten years together in a row, consecutively. I'd always assumed it was a patent-free idea. I suppose now you're going to tell me that Oracle invented the decade, and Ghengis Khan invented the weekend.

Obvious concepts are only obvious because someone came up with it, then everyone went "oh yeah, that was obvious. Anyone could've come up with that."

Jon Lasseter and Arianna Huffington?!?!?!?! Really?

Given how much First World people invest in their entertainment these days (boh financially and emotionally), a Pixar bigwig isn't that much of a surprise: Pixar has done a lot for the advancement of the movie/TV art.

Arianna could have been worthy of an "Inventor of the Year" (but not decade) award: HuffPo started as a really good concept. It might have turned into an alternative/counterbalance to the pollution of the cable "news" channels, promoting serious public discourse on important topics. But she completely blew it by repeating some of the worst mistakes that had been made by earlier builders of online fora. Then she turned it into that online version of a fashion magazine: tiny islands of substance floating in a sea of fluff and ads.

The only reason I can think of for her being a candidate is that someone has the hots for her.

The only reason I can think of for her being a candidate is that someone has the hots for her.

There is no accounting for some peoples taste is there? :wink:

Doesn't that say innovator of the decade? Mind, I don't actually SPEAK that language, it just makes more sense than inventor in my mind, and it's closer to innovator than inventor (not that there's a huge difference in the two terms)