W5200 UDP not working??? Teensy 3.2

Please help!!! I'm used to work with W5100 based Ethernet shields. Never had problems. But it was time to go to W5200. I bought WIZ820io. But I can't get the UDP to receive packets.....
I do not have the breakout board. Could that be the problem? I do have the reset cycle on startup.
I reduced my code to the basic.
pinout is
SCK to pin 13
MISO to pin 12
MOSI to pin 11
nSS to pin 10
nRST to pin 9

I think my SPI is working, because I get to see the correct IP-adress.
I tried all sorts of Ethernet libraries. (V2-0 , ethernet2, ethernet3, ethetnet from WIz.....)
It's my first time on a forum. I have attached my code. Should I have pasted it in this text?
Thanks in advance for who can help me.

UDP_test.ino (1.47 KB)

try only the new version of Erhernet library. did you try the examples? TCP does work? WebClient example?