I have an event that I know will take place 5 times every second.
Am I right in thinking that I should be able to use this code to read from a sensor to know that I will be receiving data at the correct time? I store the data in a byte when I have collected 8 bits.
unsigned long Told = 0;
unsigned long Tnew = 0;
void setup()
//pinMode(anapin, INPUT);
pinMode(8, INPUT);
void loop()
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
do{Tnew = millis();
} while((Tnew-Told)<200); // Wait one length
Told = Tnew;
byter=byter+bit*pow(2,i); // Store bit in Byte
//Serial.println( bit);
Serial.println( byter );
My question is how is this data syncronized?
There is no start/stop ( so you are not reading an 8 bit value from your data source ), you are simply reading a digital input and pack the sampled data in bytes ( so you have 8 samples per byte )?
I've been trying to work out what it is that you are actually trying to read. As @davidefa said, synchronisation is a concern.
Could the 8 events you are trying to read look like this?
Yes, the bits could all be zero, or all be 1 or anything.
I first get a zero start bit that I have not mentioned for simplicity, then I will wait half a length to synchronise and one length to get the first data bit.
I just wnated to check that do{Tnew = millis(); } while((Tnew-Told)<200); will indeed wait for 1/5th of a second.
It will but it would be the same just to use delay(200). The while loop is just adding unecessary complication. If you want a blocking delay then use delay. If you don't want to use delay because it is blocking then you are doing it wrong.
Ah, you know what you are doing Sorry for asking off topic details. Regarding the 200ms wait, it looks fine. You should be okay using delay(). I assume you maybe did it the way you did with millis() to get a more accurate 200ms sampling period. If you used delay() it wouldn't take into account the execution time of the other loop code, which may be insignificant.
Assuming the code was like this, and we are talking about the time taken to go round the for loop:
void loop() {
// Code to wait for sync goes here
uint8_t byter = 0;
for (byte i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
byter |= digitalRead(8) << i; // <-- executes every x ms on average
// Code to process result goes here
Then when I said "other loop code" I meant the overhead of executing the compare, increment, and jump back in the for loop, and execution of the line in the loop that isn't delay(200), and perhaps some overhead in calling and returning from delay(). So "every x ms on average" would be an insignificant amount > 200ms. With the originally posted technique, using millis(), I think the average time would tend towards 200ms. I may be wrong and missing your point.
The delay function has a nearly identical while loop. The same check is happening either way. Whether you put that in a function or run it out in a loop is a moot point.
You are talking about the time for the return, but we are talking about the millis function which has a resolution of 1ms and sometimes 2ms. The time taken by the return on delay would be nanoseconds. If you need timing tight enough that would matter then you should be using a hardware timer or at least micros.
I'm sorry, but I don't know exactly which code you are talking about. Are you talking about the code in post#1? To be clear, I'm talking about the time to execute the for loop, not the time to execute the do loop.
I was trying to guess the original poster's rationale in using the technique they used. I wasn't intending to suggest that I'd do it without using delay(), nor that there would be any obvious benefit in doing so.
Both show the additional time the rest of the for loops takes to execute. To get consistent perfect sampling would need the BWOD timing - that will be forgiving of variations on what the rest of the process does.
I could be totally wrong. Things have been really wonky for the last few, is it the full Moon? No! It's the new Moon, yeah that's the ticket.
The simple ( and blocking ) way is to set a tCheck variable as millis() +100 on the start front, and then increse the value by 200 to read every bit ( so it will stay sybcronized to the original front )
The less simple ( and not blocking ) way is to set a timer interrupt every 100 millisecond ( on the start front ) and shifting in the data only on even cycles