Wake Deep Sleeping ESP32 by Radio!

E220-Remote-Switch has been updated 07/19/2024 @ 19:41 EDT to include E220 Sleep Mode; reducing always on current comsumption to microamp rannge!

E220-Remote-Switch Demo; with Sleep Mode Current Metered

E220-Remote-Switch Project Code

Best Regards,

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E220-Remote-Switch updated 07/29/2024.

Found an issue with KY002S, Bi-Stable MOSFET Switch where every push of the ESP32 reset button caused the KY002S switch to toggle states. Getting the on/off battery power out of sequence. 07/29/2024 fixes this issue.

Issue was fixed by reading the KY002S Voltage Out pin; then writing the desired trigger state to the KY002S, TRG pin. This was placed in setup; insuring correct trigger state on boot or reset.
