Wake on LAN controller?


I've recently just become awoken to the whole premise behind microcontrollers, and decided to work on a small project. I heard about Arduino and Parallax, and decided to investigate a little further based on a small idea I recently had.

Looking at Arduino:

I've read through the documentation supplied on the main website, but I wanted some further advice.

I want to create a switch button based controller that would turn on my server via magic packet. The server has built-in support for Wake on LAN, so it would just be a matter of writing a script that would establish a connection on the network and broadcast this packet.

So my question is, is there a board practical for this? I would need to attach the board to my router via ethernet so it would be on the same subnet. Are there any boards that come with an embedded ethernet port? Scripting/Programming language isn't an issue as I'm open to anything. Any suggestions?


Hi ashlander,

there is a cheap Ethernet chip ENC28J60 using a SPI interface (around 3,20 Euro). Scanning the forum, many people seem to have problems with it, but it is less cheaper than the sparkfun Ethernet shield. Look at Arduino Playground - ArduinoEthernet for some links about Ethernet on the Arduino.

At http://www.pollin.de/shop/detail.php?pg=NQ==&a=MTQ5OTgxOTk= you can find a (DIY) board for 20 Euro featuring a ATmega32 and a ENC28J60, it's called "AVR-NET-IO". To upload you own program, you need an ISP programmer or use the builtin RS-232 to ISP converter.
