Hello, I would like to know how to put the arduino nano BLE in sleep mode to save energy and consume as little current as possible and then when it detects movement with the accelerometer, wake it up and send the data via BLE
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Did you figure out how to do this??
No, I couldn't and you?
I have not yet done it with the nano BLE but I have gotten it to work the a nano every. I think they have different chips so the library I used may not work on the BLE.
I used the ADXL345_WE library and followed along with this blog guide:
I have found this to be the most useful and comprehensive library and his blog made all of it very easy to use and understand.
let me know if it works for you or if you find another alternative.
Looking at the circuit diagrams for the Nano 33 BLE it appears that the interrupt pins coming out of the LSM9DS1 IMU are not connected to the microprocessor.
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