Wannabe Bond Villain at Work


This the first field-usable project I developed.

RC firework launcher inspired by retro Bond Villains. I plan to start my projects in Blogs. Then as they become further developed and coherent I want to migrate them to Wikis.

I find it helps with learning if I write things down, especially if I try to explain them to others. So here it is:

I'm sure it can be improved, so constructive comments are very much appreciated.

Many Thanks

Highlight videos:
(NB: the code is on my Google Drive - see blog for links)

Links for all parts of the project (mostly single pages as it's a blog):

PART I - Analogue Keypad as Input Device: Gampa Geek
PART II - Using the RF12 Board by Jeelabs: Gampa Geek
PART III - Eight-Relay Module: Gampa Geek
PART IV - An RC Firework Firing Device: Gampa Geek
... snooze...zzzzzzzzzz :slight_smile:
PART V - Hand-Held Transciever: Gampa Geek
PART VI - Relay-Side Transceiver: Gampa Geek
PART VII - SOP and Tests: Gampa Geek
PART VIII - 1st Tryout With Fireworks: Gampa Geek

Seems endless - but that's it! :smiley: