Want to learn Arduino Mini + Xbee; where to start?


I want to learn Arduino Mini + Xbee interfacing.

Where do I to start ? (read which document/manual first etc..)

My skill level is that I have been able to hook-up ADXL accelerometer
to my Arduino Mini Pro on a bread-board and display data from ADXL on PC using in-built serial Monitor.

But now, I want to learn further.

I want to send ADXL data wirelessly using XBee Pro and display on PC.

Looking for suggestions about starting point.

Thanks in advance. :slight_smile:

I would get a copy of Making Things Talk (MTT). You should be able to find an example that is close to what you want to do. It is a great book.

I have some XBee examples (some derived from MTT ;)) in the application hints section at Loading... Also my ZB1 datasheets has some XBee setup

(* jcl *)

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twitter: http://twitter.com/wiblocks
blog: http://luciani.org

Thanks--i'll check it out (MTT)