Want to make a mesh network

I want to make a mesh network of devices to convey a message from one device to other device.
I want such devices which can communicate with each .
First Question : Is there a Arduino device which can communicate with his sister device?

There will be a lot of devices, say here will be 500 devices, So every devices has to be a good powerful processing speed.

And first starting message came from a mobile (Android, Windows Phone & IPhone )
Then that message goes to the hand of nearest device then that devices sends that message to all near by devices and so on.

For example i want to locate a device with ID : 450, then message will travell until it goes to the devie with ID :450, then that 450 No. device send a message back that " I am Present ", then the same way message travels back to the mobile .

So, can i do this using Arduino ? If YES , then Which device i use ?

I read this a while ago

You would have to write your own protocol to address messages over the top. Some arduino boards have more uarts, which would allow a more connected net.

Unless you implied radio, in which case it's far more complex :wink:

500 devices implies this is more than just a hobby project. Is it for research or paid work?

If you're getting paid then I would say use an off-the-shelf system. It will cost a lot but you can be assured of reliability. Programming your own protocol on top of a basic radio is MUCH more complex than you think.

If it's for research then what is your real thesis topic? Depending on what aspect of the system you are investigating, there may be better or worse radios to use for the physical layer.

A wireless mesh network (WMN) is a communications network made up of radio nodes organized in a mesh topology. The coverage area of the radio nodes working as a single network is sometimes called a mesh cloud. Access to this mesh cloud is dependent on the radio nodes working in harmony with each other to create a radio network. A mesh network is reliable and offers redundancy. When one node can no longer operate, the rest of the nodes can still communicate with each other, directly or through one or more intermediate nodes. The picture below illustrates how wireless mesh networks can self form and self heal. Openwrt ( OS at Arduino Yun ) suport WMN well. Plus WMN will extend communication distance. Node 1 to node 9 could be 4*maximum communication distance.


Dragino/Arduino Yun compatible in wireless mesh network


IEEE 802.11s mesh mode is one of six wifi modes:

  • ap for Access Point
  • sta for managed (client) mode
  • adhoc for Ad-Hoc
  • wds for static WDS
  • monitor for monitor mode
  • mesh for IEEE 802.11s mesh mode
