Hello i have created a cnc arduino pen plotter that uses arduino cnc kit on an uno.It has grbl firmware.
Want to replace the pen plotter part with this
probably a 300mw laser diode or i could go for a 2.5w laser module.
I already know how to use grbl and how to create the design files for the program to plot.
But i am concerned about safety of my eyes.
Will get the needed protection goggles for eyes.
But i was thinking that maybe i should encapsulate the cnc machine in a special acrylic or other material that could protect me and others around from the laser.
What would you do to make a laser like this safe at home?
I know i only have 2 eyes and cant risk any reflection to cause me instant burn and blindness.
Even if i have to pay much money for material that would help me to encapsulate the cnc,i prefer this to being blind from an accident
Thank you
But i was thinking that maybe i should encapsulate the cnc machine in a special acrylic or other material that could protect me and others around from the laser.
Do that! I bought a 300mW laser to put on my mini CNC router. Bought the glasses, too. Did not take me long to decide that in would need to be enclosed as the laser does reflect and I, like you, didn't want to go blind. Since it would be hard to enclose my machine properly, I shelved the laser etcher project. Besides, I could not get the cat to wear the glasses.
Make a case out of some opaque material, stel/aluminium sheet, with an acrylic window if you need to watch it while it is working. You will need fume extraction, since many materials you cut, are pretty nasty when vapourised . Some acrylic specifications here, It will depend on the laser type. http://lasersafetygoggles.com/laser-protection-acrylic-sheet/