Hi friend,
i started to play with DS3231 and arduino uno.
first of all i have installed DS3231 library from arduino IDE.
then i open example"NOW" from ds3231 library and just compile it.
after compiling it i got one warning which is mentioned below.
"WARNING: Category 'Real-time clock' in library DS3231 is not valid. Setting to 'Uncategorized'
Sketch uses 4196 bytes (13%) of program storage space. Maximum is 32256 bytes.
Global variables use 428 bytes (20%) of dynamic memory, leaving 1620 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 2048 bytes."
to resolve this i have re installed DS3231 library form adruino ide but still this warning appears.
even in my all other project this warning message is displayed.
I have actually played a lot with DS3231 chips. If you have wired everything correctly I would suggest downloading and using the adafruit RTClib from the IDE library manager. It works everytime. Make sure the connections are simmilar to how you would connect this adafruit RTC module. This is the schematic for the module... It's pretty self explenatory.
The warning can be safely ignored. It won't cause any problems.
The issue has actually been fixed in the latest release of the library but the library author did something screwy which causes an outdated version of the library to be installed. They named the first release "1.0" and the second release "1.0.0". Those two versions are actually considered identical by Arduino Library Manager.