Warning: The specified amount of data was not returned within the Timeout period for 'readline'. 'bluetooth' unable to read any data

Hello. Im currently working on a project where I have sensors connected to and Arduino, which uses HC-05 Bluetooth module to send values to Matlab.

However, when I run my code on matlab, i keep getting timeout errors. I have tried a lot of troubleshooting, but I'm out of ideas.

Any help would be appreciated.

This is my matlab code:

clear all;
s = bluetooth("DSD TECH HC-05",1);
x1 = [];
time = [];
i = 1;

while true 
  b = readline(s);
  value = str2double(b);
  x1 = [x1, value];
  time(i) = toc; % record the elapsed time
  i = i + 1;

This is my Arduino Code:

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

#define TxD 2
#define RxD 3

SoftwareSerial bt (RxD, TxD); // RX, TX for Bluetooth

int analogInput1 = A0;

unsigned long start_time;
unsigned long end_time;
int sample_count = 0;
void setup()
  ADCSRA |= (1 << ADPS2) | (1 << ADPS1) | (1 << ADPS0);
  pinMode(analogInput1, INPUT);
  bt.begin(230400); /* Define baud rate for software serial communication */
  Serial.begin(230400); /* Define baud rate for serial communication */
  start_time = millis();

void loop()
  float sensorValue1 = analogRead(analogInput1);
  float millivolt1 = (sensorValue1/1023)*5;


  // Store the end time
  end_time = millis();

  // Check if 1 second has elapsed
  if (end_time - start_time >= 1000) {
    // Calculate the sample rate
    float sample_rate = (float)sample_count / (float)(end_time - start_time) * 1000.0;

    // Print the sample rate to the serial
    Serial.println("Sample rate: " + String(sample_rate) + " samples/s");

    // Reset the sample count and start time
    sample_count = 0;
    start_time = end_time;

Software serial cannot go at anywhere close to that speed! 34k is about the limit.

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