"Was not declared in scope"?

Hi there!

I just started programming the first project when this happened

Arduino: 1.6.7 (Windows 10), Board: "Arduino/Genuino Uno"

In function 'void loop()':

LaunchPad.ino:9: error: 'switchState' was not declared in this scope

switchState = digitalRead(2);


exit status 1
'switchState' was not declared in this scope

Not sure why its not working I copied the book exactly...

Insight would be appreciated <3 Bethu

To get help, you must show us your complete sketch. Attach your code using the </> icon on the left side of the posting menu.


Do you have
byte switchState;
at the top of the sketch?

I copied the book exactly.

Which book?

Maybe there's an Errata section in the book?

Not sure why its not working I copied the book exactly...

How exactly? Including capitalization? This is why we ask to see your actual sketch, not just "I copied something exactly".

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