Hi, I get the following error when I try to verify my code:
In function 'void moveServo(Servo, int, int, int)':
Puzzle_Box:174:16: error: 'servoPin' was not declared in this scope
servo.attach(servoPin, minVal, maxVal);
This is the code I try to verify:
#include <Servo.h>
#include "PegBoard.h"
#include "Connection.h"
#define INPUT_PULLUP 0x2
#define OPEN LOW
// Initialize the PegBoard
const byte pegCount = 10;
// Specify the pins for the peg board connectors
// NOTE: If using pins 0 and 1, we can't do serial communication at the same time.
const byte pegPins[pegCount] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
PegBoard pegBoard = PegBoard(pegCount, pegPins);
// Initialize the LEDs
const byte ledCount = 6;
// Specify the pins for the pegboard LEDs
const byte ledPins[ledCount] = { A0, A1, A2, A4, A3, A5 };
// Initialize the success and failure sounds
//const byte successSoundPin = 13;
//const byte failureSoundPin = 12;
// Set up our combinations
const Connection pegCombos[ledCount] = {
// Here are the expected combinations, and their order
// NOTE: The nature of this pegboard makes it impossible
// to require a connection between the same digits
// (e.g. You can never wire up 2--2)
// Change these (obviously) to the combinations you would like to use.
// That's the kind of thing an idiot would have on their luggage!
// https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JNGI1dI-e8
Servo rightDrawerServo;
Servo keyDrawerServo;
// Specify the pins for the two servo control lines
const byte rightDrawerServoPin = 10;
const byte keyDrawerServoPin = 11;
// Min/max PWM values - will likely have to fiddle with these per servo
const int rightMin = 1000;
const int rightMax = 2200;
const int keyMin = 800;
const int keyMax = 2125;
// How many combinations have we solved thusfar
byte progress = 0;
void setup() {
// Enable serial connection
// Set up the peg board pin modes
for (byte i=0; i<pegCount; i++) {
// Set all LED pins as OUTPUT
for (byte j=0; j<ledCount; j++) {
// Sound system
//pinMode(successSoundPin, OUTPUT);
//pinMode(failureSoundPin, OUTPUT);
// Play a success sound
// On power up, we want this drawer to open
void loop() {
// Check if there are connections
if (pegBoard.hasNewConnection()) {
Connection conn = pegBoard.getConnection();
if (conn.isConnected()) {
// New connection matches expected combination
if (conn == pegCombos[progress]) {
Serial.print(" Good connection! Lock ");
Serial.println(" disabled.");
// Light up an LED
Serial.print("LED ");
Serial.println(" on.");
// Move forward in the combination
// We've connected all the peg pairs
if (progress >= ledCount) {
Serial.println("Access granted.");
// Play a success sound
// Flash all LEDs a few times
for (int j=0; j<=5; j++) {
for (int i=0; i<=ledCount; i++) {
for (int i=0; i<=ledCount; i++) {
// Open the key drawer
// Stop failure sound
// Bad connection - reset progress
else {
Serial.println(" Bad connection. All locks resetting.");
// Turn off all LEDs in reverse order
for (int i=progress-1; i>=0; i--) {
// Play failure sound
// Turn an LED off
Serial.print("LED ");
Serial.println(" off.");
// Stop failure sound
// If the box had been solved, and an incorrect connection is made,
// move the servos back to their starting positions.
if (progress >= ledCount) {
Serial.println("Resetting servos...");
// Close the drawers
// Reset progress to 0
progress = 0;
// Moves the specified servo to the requested degree position.
// Requires the specification of min/max values.
// Attaches to the servo, moves it, and detaches. This means that
// the servo won't hold its position, but also won't jitter
// or continue to draw battery. This was sufficient for this use.
void moveServo(Servo servo, int position, int minVal, int maxVal) {
servo.attach(servoPin, minVal, maxVal);
// Causes the servo to move such that the right drawer opens
void openRightDrawer(){
Serial.println("Opening right drawer");
moveServo(rightDrawerServo, 180, rightMin, rightMax);
// Causes the servo to move such that the right drawer closes
void closeRightDrawer(){
Serial.println("Closing right drawer");
moveServo(rightDrawerServo, 130, rightMin, rightMax);
// Causes the servo to move such that the key drawer opens
void openKeyDrawer(){
Serial.println("Opening key drawer");
moveServo(keyDrawerServo, 180, keyMin, keyMax);
// Causes the servo to move such that the key drawer opens
void closeKeyDrawer(){
Serial.println("Closing key drawer");
moveServo(keyDrawerServo, 0, keyMin, keyMax);
// Causes the servo to move such that the right drawer closes
void resetServos(){
Serial.println("Closing both drawers");
Would anyone happen to know how I can fix this? Your answer is highly appreciated!