Watchdog providing times other than expected, together with USB port malfunction

Hello, I read Gammon Forum : Electronics : Microprocessors : Power saving techniques for microprocessors and "Extend" Watchdog Timer Beyond 8 Seconds? - Project Guidance - Arduino Forum and based on them created my code to be used for sleeping for 60 seconds and then performing a run through sensor reading, printing their values and printing current time based on RTC DS1307.
Apparently setting the myWatchdogEnable (0b100001); which should give exactly 8 seconds for 6 times = 48s and adding 0b100000 (4s) and 0b000111 (2s) should give me in total 54s, but as it turned out it produces "delays" of 60-61s. What is the reason of that mismatch?

I want to update the time every 60 seconds to change the minute, if there is a +/- 1 second I may end up with minute NOT incremented when it should be but after two ~60s periods which is not acceptable. Since it's not very precise can I somehow use DS1307 to perform the interrupt every 60 seconds while still staying in SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN?

delay(10); was used because when powered from battery - initially there is no temp/humid reading, but suprisingly the reading from BMP180 and RTC is present(!). Unfortunately that must not be the case because it didn't help. It doesn't happen when powering from USB - all 4 readings are there after powering up. What may be the reason?

I got a USB error showing
The last time it happened to me was when I created a program with memory leak, but I suppose it's not the case here since I can upload new sketches with some problems (only after pressing reset button) and with memory leak Arduino froze completely.

Thank You in advance for any help!

#include <dht.h>
#include "U8glib.h"
#include <Wire.h>
#include <BMP180.h>
#include <DS1307RTC.h>
#include <Time.h>
#include <avr/sleep.h>
#include <avr/wdt.h>

BMP180 barometer;  
dht DHT;
#define DHT22_PIN 8

int x=0;//index of array
int array[64];
int tempsave;//saved temperature

U8GLIB_DOGM128 u8g(11, 10, U8G_PIN_NONE); //U8GLIB_DOGM128(cs, a0 [, reset]) 

void setup()
        // When we have connected, we reset the device to ensure a clean start.
        // Now we initialize the sensor and pull the calibration data.
void loop()
    // READ DATA
	int chk = DHT.read22(DHT22_PIN);
       tempsave = DHT.temperature;
		array[x] = tempsave;
		for(int i=0;i<63;i++)
                array[63] = tempsave;
    do {
    } while( u8g.nextPage() );
    myWatchdogEnable (0b100001);
    myWatchdogEnable (0b100001);
    myWatchdogEnable (0b100001);
    myWatchdogEnable (0b100001);
    myWatchdogEnable (0b100001);
    myWatchdogEnable (0b100001);
    myWatchdogEnable (0b100000);
    myWatchdogEnable (0b000111);

void draw(void) {
    //printing values from 2 sensors (DHT22 and BMP180), together with update of current time from DS1307 RTC, and a XBMPfile drawing

//drawgraph is called within draw(), its the temperature history
void drawgraph() { 
    for(int i=0;i<=x;i++)

void myWatchdogEnable(const byte interval) {  
  MCUSR = 0;                          // reset various flags
  WDTCSR |= 0b00011000;               // see docs, set WDCE, WDE
  WDTCSR =  0b01000000 | interval;    // set WDIE, and appropriate delay

  set_sleep_mode (SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN);  
  sleep_mode();            // now goes to Sleep and waits for the interrupt

ISR(WDT_vect) {
  wdt_disable();  // disable watchdog