watchdog timer .error

hello i have compile error while using the watchdog timer in my code to rest the arduino if it's going to freez

((avr/wdt.h: No such file or directory))

please any body have idea why ??

hello , any help

Just be patient, and someone who can help might come along.

For what it's worth, if I add this line to my code, it compiles fine, (Arduino IDE V1.6.5):-

#include <avr/wdt.h>

yes friend that's what drive me to be crazy :cry: ..this function is built in the compiler but i don't know why it's not working

yes friend that's what drive me to be crazy :cry: ..this function is built in the compiler but i don't know why it's not working

Perhaps search and find where "wdt.h" is really located, then use that (full) path in your 'include' line.