I'm planning to create a sensor, which observes 2 things:
Water level
Dense water level
Heat (quite low requirement, others more important)
(Image of reference below)
I have a stationary container sphere about 2m diameter. I would like to put probably Arduino with ESP8266 (First things that come to my mind) so I could have wireless connection to get data. Also power it on solar panels (Maybe if needed, switch to batteries, that device will warn if need to change).
My container fills with water and I have to know, that when it falls below or above a certain level. Also, I have some mud-like substance falling to the bottom and I have to know, when a certain level is achieved, so I would know when to clean. It takes some time (few months sometimes) to fill mudthe level needed to clean it.
I considered that for water I could make electrical connection- 2 metal parts, one + other - and when connection happens, then it gives the sensor info about the connection. So about after every some distance or so (depends how many levels I want).
But for the density, I'm totally unsure about the solution, how to know what is the mud level. The mud is denser than water for certain (Can feel with a stick).
Any tips or such, on how should I approach or re-consider on my approach/idea? Any info helps, Thank You!
Can you weigh the container? Mud is heavier than water.
I did think about that. But sadly the container is mostly underground. Unless I somehow add a weighter in the bottom. But I think I can't drill a hole at the bottom.
Optical sensor in vitro. when occulted, it's time to clean...
How would you prevent the substance from occulting the sensor as it settles? It would tend to pile up on it. In other words, how do you prevent the sensor from clogging?
With the tank filling and empting, there should be sufficient water turbulence to 'sorta' clear the sensor. when the sediment level gets high enough to block the sensor, it is time to clean the tank.
When it is clogged, it is time to clean.
With the tank filling and empting, there should be sufficient water turbulence to 'sorta' clear the sensor. when the sediment level gets high enough to block the sensor, it is time to clean the tank.
That may or may not be right. The OP never specified the turbulence, method, frequency of filling, or how much sediment should trigger a response.
For water level, there are float-switch type sensors commonly available. You don't have to re-invent the wheel. Also temperature sensors.
Temperature- Quite simple. Float-switch, I did forget about them. Those yes are quite simple solutions.
The mud level detection is an advanced engineering challenge. I suspect it would even stump an expert.
Indeed, it's a struggle
That may or may not be right. The OP never specified the turbulence, method, frequency of filling, or how much sediment should trigger a response.
The tank has a little movement with the water, but mostly stationary (But again, some movement will occur, as it has a little water flow). When cleaned, it is done so with a hose.
The mud is Your average mud, basically.
The tank is cleared (hosed out/in) when the mud reaches a certain threshold (Currently measured with a stick).
When the mud reaches the limit, it should just let the user know, that it's time to change (Or periodically, that what's the level, to plan ahead).
Does that answer, or should I specify in some other way?
Optical sensor in vitro. when occulted, it's time to clean...
Do You mean a regular optical sensor/phototransistor? Any specific model in mind?
It could be a possibility...that I should test.
I like the emitter/photosensor idea - it's just that the specific design greatly influences how well it will perform. It's not a "cut and dried" solution like a float level. You could minimize clogging by keeping the sensor faces smooth and perpendicular.
I like the emitter/photosensor idea - it's just that the specific design greatly influences how well it will perform. It's not a "cut and dried" solution like a float level. You could minimize clogging by keeping the sensor faces smooth and perpendicular.
What if I make the sensors part of the seal? Basically like rods sticking down into the container? Cover by plastic/glass, watertight, etc. Or will it play with the sensor?
What if I make the sensors part of the seal? Basically like rods sticking down into the container? Cover by plastic/glass, watertight, etc. Or will it play with the sensor?
Please post an engineering drawing of the proposal.
Mud is more viscous than water. Use a DC motor above the water to drive a shaft that runs to a specific depth. Put a propellor or impeller on the end. Run the motor at a constant voltage and measure the rotation speed. Once the mud level reaches the end of the rod the rotation speed will decrease.
Mud is more viscous than water. Use a DC motor above the water to drive a shaft that runs to a specific depth. Put a propellor or impeller on the end. Run the motor at a constant voltage and measure the rotation speed. Once the mud level reaches the end of the rod the rotation speed will decrease.
That's a good idea. If the current method is to "feel it with a stick" then keep doing exactly that, just with a motor.
A bubbler water level is also useful for muddy conditions. Run a tube down to the bottom and pump air into it. Measure the air pressure. That tells you the pressure at the bottom, which can be easily translated into water depth. Because it's continuously bubbling, it doesn't get clogged with mud going in the tube.
You may be lucky and the bubbler also measures the weight of the mud, so when the calculated water depth exceeds the depth measured by another means, then there's mud to be cleared.
Hmm... all of those sound like good ideas. Running a rod from the top seems the most viable solution.
I guess I'll have to test all those methods and see, which works best.
Thank You all for the info! Will update, if something comes up!
How would you prevent the substance from occulting the sensor as it settles? It would tend to pile up on it. In other words, how do you prevent the sensor from clogging?
more than one sensors may be?
different levels of mud covers one and more sensors.
IR sensor placed close to transmitter can work i guess. then diffraction will be minimal by keeping distance close.