Water Level Sensor and Electrical Switch

I'm trying to design a system that does the following using arduino:
A water level sensor measures the water level in a rectangular tank, when the water level reaches value x, an electrical switch closes, completing a circuit that activates a water pump, the pump operates until the water level drops to a certain value y, at which point the switch opens again, breaking the circuit and stopping the pump. The circuit starts with the water pump non operating and the electrical switch open, it should operate on the above cycle indefinitely. Does anyone have suggestions or experience building this?

To get startet make a selection of hardware to be used. Well, I think for this simple two-point control an Arduino is not needed.

Do you know a way of doing it that doesn't require arduino, and the hardware I currently have selected is as follows:
1 submersible water pump
1 ultrasonic sensor
1 arduino uno board
1 relay module (possibly)
1 simple electrical switch

in this way an Arduino is needed.
Post a wiring diagram how the hardware is connected and an extended functional describtion.

Yes, I have such experience. I used a float switch with a metal roller inside that rolled from one side of the switch to the other depending on water level. The switch/roller operated on 120 VAC and worked reliably, but very inaccurately. The switch was tethered by the power cord going to the float/switch.
I still have the second switch I bought. The first leaked and destroyed the switch. No Arduino needed. Switch is stored away for future projects.
Current system uses a high float switch and a low float switch all water proof and held in place by a pvc pipe. Switches are watched by an Arduino Nano.

If the container is plastic or glass then a capacitive water level switch can be used to detect water levels can be used. In this project 2 can be used, one to detect full, and one to detect low.

Do you have diagrams of wiring or any former projects using these capacitive water level switches to control an electrical switch?

water level switch:

Motor and valve:

Project box:

The schematic is hand drawn but the pics show the working project.

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