I try to power up 3 water pump by using l298p dual motor shield and 5v relay. can someone help me verify my source code.
im using
- ph sensor
- salinity sensor
- 3 mini water pump
- dual motor shield with external power supply. 12V,5A
what im planning to do is to control the ph and salinty of water in the tank.
please help me..
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 9, 8, 3, 2);
int backLight = 11;
float pptValue = 0;
float phValue = 0;
const int maxppt = 44; //max salinity value
const int minppt = 5; //min salinity value
const int maxph = 12; //max pH value
const int minph = 5; //min pH value
//Arduino PWM Speed Control:
int E1 = 5;
int M1 = 4;
int E2 = 6;
int M2 = 7;
int h2opump = 10; //water pump pin out 10
void setup()
Serial.begin (9600);
Serial.println("pH and salinity control experiment");
Serial.println(" (Salinty) (pH) ");
lcd.begin(16, 2);
pinMode(M1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(M2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(h2opump, OUTPUT);
void loop()
int salinitySensor = analogRead(A5); //read the salinity value
pptValue = salinitySensor * 0.0064;
if (pptValue > maxppt) // if the analog value > max salinity, turn on water pump:
digitalWrite(h2opump, HIGH);
else if // if the analog value < min salinity, turn on salinity pump:
(pptValue < minppt)
digitalWrite(M1, HIGH);
analogWrite(E1, 100);
else // else do nothing
analogWrite(E1, 0);
digitalWrite(h2opump, LOW);
int phSensor = analogRead(A4); //read ph value
phValue = 0.01709 * phSensor;
if (phValue > maxph) // if the analog value > max pH, turn on water pump:
digitalWrite(h2opump, HIGH);
else if // if the analog value < min pH, turn on pH pump:
(phValue < minph)
digitalWrite(M2, HIGH);
analogWrite(E2, 100);
else // else do nothing
analogWrite(E2, 0);
digitalWrite(h2opump, LOW);
Serial.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.setCursor(5, 0);
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.setCursor(4, 1);
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 9, 8, 3, 2);
int backLight = 11;
You can't connect the backlight to a pin that the LCD is using.
void setup()
Serial.begin (9600);
Serial.println("pH and salinity control experiment");
Serial.println(" (Salinty) (pH) ");
lcd.begin(16, 2);
pinMode(M1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(M2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(h2opump, OUTPUT);
{What are}
{all the}
{useless braces}
void loop()
int salinitySensor = analogRead(A5); //read the salinity value
I gave up!
Hi PaulS,
Thx for your feedback. Im realy new to arduino and coding. I will post the diagram of the project.. Hopefully you can help and guide me through this..
Did you make the requested code changes? Did it work?