Water quality and boron detection

Hello everyone, I need to monitor the level of Boron in water (aquifer) to evalutate the efficiency of a phytoremediation system in an urban context, but I don’t know if a boron sensor which can be connected to a board (Arduino board for example) exists and if I can set up a system to sample and measure boron in water. Of course I would like to use that potential system also to measure pH and temperature of sampled water.
thank you for any advice

Sounds a great project. Maybe more professional than what we used to see here.
What gave your google search for every module you quote?

damn. it costs me 2,34 sec :wink:

Hello soliera

This is a nice project to get started.

Keep it simple and stupid firstly.
Run some tutorials for the hardware selected.
If you are happy with the results of the tutorials you can merge these to your project.

Have a nice day and enjoy coding in C++.

Thank you, I also found that but it is not suitable for my goal. it is for measuring the level of pH not the leve of boron concentration.

Clearly, it is not even an Arduino question until you can find a "boron sensor". We are no better than you, using Google. As it is not a common hobby project, it's not in the common pool of knowledge. If you had said, "O2 sensor" or something common, there would be lots of people with specific experience with that here.

Maybe ask on a physics or chemistry forum? Then when you have found a sensor, if you have trouble figuring out how to interface it with Arduino, we can help.

I got it. thak you

I have done metals analysis for an EPA lab.

You will not find a sensor specific for boron.

The simplest method to analyze for boron is ASTM D3082-15. It involves reacting a sample with an organic alcohol, extracting the product into an organic solvent like chloroform, further reaction with a colored material, and finally colorimetric quantification in a VIS spectrophotometer. It's not really hard but you have to have lab equipment, reagents and at least some training.

More advanced methods require Inductively Coupled Plasma analysis by AES or MS. Those will run you maybe 20K for an ICP-AES to 100+K for an ICP-MS.

and I will say: it worth the price.

Thank you for the information. I hoped in a specific and sensitive sensor for online measurements in situ.
I already found a lab for boron analysis based on ICP-MS but it is an offline measurement.
I'll go through that.

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