Water sensor project1

Hi guys can you help me please I need to use a water sensor as a digital read if there was water so it's high and vice-versa


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Is this project for a short term test or long term operation.


  • simple conduction
  • floating magnet
  • ultrasonic measurement
  • capacitance sensor
  • micro switch float mechanism
  • optical float sensor

Hi guys can you help me please I need to use a water sensor as a digital read if there was water so it's high and vice-versa

Use either:

if (digitalRead(sensor_pin) == HIGH) do_something();`


if (digitalRead(sensor_pin) == LOW) do_something();

tanks I will try it

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I'm hurt :wink:

:blush: Forgive my poorly worded post. Perhaps more detailed advice?

More advice, certainly!

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How drôle! :grin:

The point is, to pose a question here, you start by explaining yourself; your actual project.

Do you actually have a water sensor? What one is it? The Web link for it if you please?

What is the "tank" in question? Why do you need to monitor it?

What "Arduino" or similar are you using?

Once you start to provide information, we can actually help you. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I created a water tank monitoring system a couple years ago based on this

using a ESP8266 NodeMcu
i added flow meters to the in and out

water in the tank is old geometry
volume of a cylinder, radar tells you where the top of the water in the cylinder is.
then constants, water volume per gallon

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