Wav files on SD card

Hi all,
I am trying to build a WAV player but came across a problem, SD card contains hidden files and auto-created WAV files, along with the WAV files I want to play using the TMRpcm library. Is there a way of selecting only WAV files ? . Current I am using the function "root.openNextFile();" to find the next file but is there a way of using that function to only open the next WAV file ?

Any help will be wonderful


I've never used it, but there is an [u]SD Library[/u] that allows you to read/write FAT files.

Then, I assume you'll need the TMRpcm library to read/decode the WAV file (or the WAV file header) or you can write the code to do that.

Or maybe you can write some code to ignore any non-WAV file, loop-back, and check the next file, etc.

That's the problem, how do you go about writing a code that ignores non wav files ?

how do you go about writing a code that ignores non wav files ?

By including ".wav" in the file name you ask it to open.