where is the new .wave function for the R4 DAC documented? related, has the MOZZI audio library been tested on the R4 Arduinos? any modifications needed to take advantage of the higher resolution, beyond setting "analogWriteResolution(12);"?
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At the moment there is no comprehensive documentation of the the analogWave library function, but we will add this to the backlog and start working on it as soon as possible, thank you for point at it.
Regarding mozzi, they were part of the early adopter program and I saw there is a branch for the UNO R4 but I haven't tested yet
Maybe too late but in case this might still be useful, the github version of Mozzi is currently ported for the Uno R4. Another PR is waiting in order for this port to be complete, then it will probably be made available from the Arduino IDE.
Small update:
The UNO R4 has been ported in the last version of Mozzi available in the Arduino IDE and should work straight out of the box