is there a way to play an audio file (Just one) without the SD card if so can someone show me an example sketch?
a very short one with only 16k flash !!!!
ok how to do it would be nice
it means about 0.5 seconds of sound, and this is only the sound, no code to decompress it
Still interest?
yup 8)
In principle, you can have the wave file stored in eeprom (instead of SD card). 128K of wave in 24LC1024 eeprom.
True , but thats like saying , how to use sony stick instead of SD . I think he doesn
t want to use any external storage device, which gives a very short sample.
As of now, the answer would be 'no'.
But your thread title suggests that a solution w/o using SD card built as a shield is what you search for.
You could build one yourself, using i2c eeproms and a protoshield?
As I see it, the limitations in using SD with arduino are:
- requires a few digital pins to interface;
- takes some memory space to program;
- is not the cheapest (the card itself may be > $5);
- h/w interfacing requires 5V -> 3.3V;
- takes some level of knowledge (and tenacity) to get it working;
As for the eeprom:
- talks I2C, so it does not take outputs away (kind of...);
- takes little space (8 pin DIP + 2 resistors);
- easy, non-tricky way, to program;
- very cheap overall (not per KB, but per solution);
Indeed, there is big difference in the data capacity.
Well, Sony memory stick is the equivalent of SD card, isn't it? Same flash memory packaged differently.
On another note, check out this article:
I agree with all the above statements. I think it is a very good evaluation.
VS looks intereseting.
Im doing projects with the i2c eeprom , but you will have to make a program to fill the chip first. For you can
t just insert the chip in a reader like a sd chip , But I do like i2c having only 3 wires .
You can't insert the eeprom like an SD card, but you can insert it like a 8-pin chip, in a socket.
I think you mean 2 wires (SCL and SDA).
Filling the eeprom is almost trivial: read bytes on serial, then dump them to eeprom, in a loop. A separate sketch, of course.
I included Gnd .
Plus +v , but that may not be from the same supply.