So im doing a Christmas Tree Topper Death Star. I was able to get the LEDs to work and the Wave Shield seems to be able to play the Audio files but i am not getting any sound from my speaker. Everything seems to be wired correctly and all the buttons and sensor is working correctly. The LED's light up when they are supposed to. i just don't get any sound. I know this isn't much details to go on but does anyone have any ideas of what could be going on?
Just a side note i did go and change my files to Mono WAV 16bit 20k so i dont think thats the issue but just in case i did attach one of the audio files if that helps anyone.
I attached the Code as well.
DeathStar_ArduinoMN.ino (8.96 KB)
How about a wiring diagram?
Just try the AdaFruit sample sound program. Does that work?
If not then you have either a wiring fault.
Sorry for the delay i just got home from work so attached it the wire diagram and i also made a short video of what's going on. - YouTube
Grump_Mike ill take a look at that. Im not sure what that program is. This is the first time i have used a Wave shield
Just a side note i know i have 2 green LEDS not plugged in or assigned to anything.
You are wiring up those switches incorrectly. See :-
Im not sure what that program is.
So i read over the switch tutorial and it should be good now. at least they are working as they should.
AdaFruit sample sound program. Im still not sure what you mean by that. I went to the link and it brings me to the Arduino WaveHC Library. I have the Library and it should be installed correctly but im not sure what you mean by
Just try the AdaFruit sample sound program. Does that work?
If not then you have either a wiring fault.
is there a program im supposed to run or some kind of coding i can run to test it?
I dont know if it will make a difference but i am getting this on the button after uploading the code
C:\Users\Matthew Nelson\Desktop\DeathStar\DeathStar_ArduinoMN\DeathStar_ArduinoMN.ino:67:65: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings]
char *wavFiles[] = {"IMPERIAL.WAV", "FIRING.WAV", "DEATHSTR.WAV"};
C:\Users\Matthew Nelson\Desktop\DeathStar\DeathStar_ArduinoMN\DeathStar_ArduinoMN.ino:67:65: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings]
C:\Users\Matthew Nelson\Desktop\DeathStar\DeathStar_ArduinoMN\DeathStar_ArduinoMN.ino:67:65: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings]
Try the examples in this PDF:-
Audio Examples
So i tried looking into this some more and tried some of the examples. I'm not getting any audio still. I am able to get the LEDs to work the way they should be but no sound.
Would someone have a Wave shield board that might be able to help me out and test this for me.
I attached the Code, H files, And the Layout Drawing. Here is a link the the Audio files im using since i wasnt able to upload them here. Everything needed for someone to build this and test it.
It would be greatly appreciated if someone could help me with this.
DeathStar_ArduinoMNtest2.ino (8.54 KB)
FatReader.h (7.76 KB)
SdReader.h (5.19 KB)
WaveHC.h (3.32 KB)
WaveUtil.h (528 Bytes)
So i tried looking into this some more and tried some of the examples. I'm not getting any audio still.
Have you tried the very simple example of just playing a file? This will ensure that your hardware is working first.
yeah i tried that yesterday but i wasn’t able to hear anything. I also tried other audio files with it. so its possible its my hardware but i was hoping not to buy anything else until i could get a second opinion on it
Well unless you can get the wave shield doing a simple file play then it is a waste of time trying anything more complicated. Check the shield pins for shorts, I have come across several people who thought the board was soldered correctly but it wasn't. I was one of them. 
I did look over the board about a month ago but it definitely wouldn't hurt to take another look at it with fresh eyes. maybe ill catch something i missed.
So after looking it over I did find that i needed to jump Dpins 2-5 onto the Wave Shield Board. This wasn't shown in the original drawing which i think why i overlooked it.
So now i have Audio but for some reason only 2 LEDs are lighting up now. here is a video of whats going on - YouTube
I am attaching the Code im using currently as well.
Any thoughts on this?
DeathStar_ArduinoMNtest2.ino (8.54 KB)