Hi Jean-Marc,
I am using this display: http://https://eckstein-shop.de/Waveshare-29-inch-296x128-E-Ink-E-Paper-Display-Modul-SPI-fuer-Raspberry-Pi-Arduino?gclid=Cj0KCQiA7YyCBhD_ARIsALkj54rGvPhZ4Z0qwyjJilN476GHnuRUgjE_mKbU8Y-t4KXrsX1Xf6NDl_MaAv0JEALw_wcB
I already got some sketches to work and my program which I attached runs for a short time and then jumps to the mode where no data is recorded.
But it works for a short time and then not anymore, this is wondering me a lot.
So my question is if there is experience if the GXEPD2 is compatible with the library SD.h. My program runs everything correctly for a short time and then not anymore.
Both devices run over the SPI bus, but do not share a CS pin.
As a stand alone both devices work great, in the combination they run only for a short period and then no more data is stored on the SD card, the display is still actualizing. This is my problem, maybe there are experiences or you see what I can do differently in my sketch.... My guess is that the problem is somehow related to the command "display.print(uhrzeit)", but I can´t understand why it should be really the problem.
void Display_1() {
display.setPartialWindow(0, 0, display.width(), display.height());
do {
display.setCursor(150, 20);
display.setCursor(0, 60);
display.setCursor(0, 80);
display.setCursor(0, 100);
display.setCursor(0, 120);
display.setCursor(140, 60);
display.setCursor(140, 80);
display.setCursor(140, 100);
display.setCursor(140, 120);
// °-Zeichen selbst erstellt, da nicht in ASCII-Code
display.fillCircle(252, 70, 2, GxEPD_BLACK); //Xpos,Ypos,r,Farbe
display.fillCircle(252, 70, 1, GxEPD_WHITE); //Xpos,Ypos,r,Farbe
display.setCursor(255, 80);
display.setCursor(250, 100);
// %-Zeichen schön erstellen
display.setCursor(252, 120);
display.fillCircle(253, 110, 2, GxEPD_BLACK); //Xpos,Ypos,r,Farbe
display.fillCircle(253, 110, 1, GxEPD_WHITE); //Xpos,Ypos,r,Farbe
display.fillCircle(261, 120, 2, GxEPD_BLACK); //Xpos,Ypos,r,Farbe
display.fillCircle(261, 120, 1, GxEPD_WHITE); //Xpos,Ypos,r,Farbe
display.setCursor(0, 40);
display.print(F("Datenerfassung: aktiv"));
while (display.nextPage());
Is there a way how I address my display without the do... while expression like I do it now, namely that it "refreshes" the content for the viewer without flickering once like it did at the beginning with display.init like this
P.S.: I would have liked it in the forum as code, unfortunately it is too big (number of characters is limited).