Waveshare Touch Issue

I am using Waveshare Pico-ResTouch-LCD-3.5 (https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/Pico-ResTouch-LCD-3.5) with Arduino library TFT_eSPI (GitHub - Bodmer/TFT_eSPI: Arduino and PlatformIO IDE compatible TFT library optimised for the Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040), STM32, ESP8266 and ESP32 that supports different driver chips). LCD portion works fine but I cannot get the touchscreen to function correctly. I can read the raw x, y, and z data but it is very erratic. The z value is around 2500 when the screen isn't being pressed. The x and y values jump all over the place while pressing a single point with a stylus. I figured since the z value was always high that I must have a defective unit so I ordered another one but am getting the same results. The touch controller is a XPT2046 (https://www.waveshare.com/w/upload/b/b0/XPT2046.pdf). I do not understand how the data is retrieved from reading the datasheet. Anyone had luck getting this setup to work? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Example of erratic data. When x = 0 and y = 7936 the screen is not being touched.

All devices share the ground reference?

Your linked documents state:

In some applications, external capacitors may be required across the touch screen for filtering noise picked up by the touch screen (e.g., noise generated by the LCD panel or backlight circuitry).

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Code and schematics please.

xfpd, thanks for your response. I did notice that on the datasheet and I also noticed that the Waveshare board doesn't have caps on the touchscreen, just decoupling caps on the power. And I don't see anywhere to add them either. Surely someone out there has used the touch on this device with success, maybe I just got 2 bad ones in a row....I did order them from the same guy on eBay.

Tech supp

Thanks for that. I contacted them and they were no help. I even tried editing the TFT_eSPI library so that it would take 5 samples, reject the high and low, and average the remaining. Even after all that I am unable to get consistent results from either unit. I've given up on the Waveshare unit. I've ordered the 3.2" from PJRC.com. xfpd I appreciate you taking the time to help.

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